29 | helicopter

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🎵 Helicopter - CLC ❤︎

= I'll figure it out, cause all my idols made it look so easy. And if they made it all that far, then I can be a star and I'll shine for everyone who's with me here. =



I moved back more when Jongdae leaned in but was really hating how the couch was huge and spacious. He continued moving towards me and I kept sliding back on the couch until my butt finally reached the corner. In the end, I laid back on the couch and he soon closed the gap between us.

He pulled down his mask again to reveal his sexy lips, and it made me stare hard. I gulped without taking my eyes off them.

"You will regret it," I said, getting ready to devour those lips because I couldn't care about other things anymore.

"Why?" He said, and quickly dived in for a kiss before I could expect it.

Such a tease!

I blinked in surprise, suddenly losing my train of thoughts. I was going to say something but now I can't remember. Jongdae leaned in again and I closed my eyes waiting for round two.

"Are you really, really, really okay?" He said softly, tugging locks of hair behind my ear for me. My cheeks burned again when he lightly brushed a finger across my face. The way he showed concern in this tender loving manner made me fall for him even more.

And I never get tired of saying it. Every day, every time... I grow fond and fonder of him, and I now understand why people say love is endless.

I bit my lip inward and nodded to his question.

I am really okay.

Sure it hurt knowing that my debut dream was ruined, but it didn't destroy me because at some point it stopped being my number one priority. Thinking that way made it much easier to accept what had happened.

So many things have changed since I became a trainee, and I have stepped out of the dark to see how my life is blessed in so many ways. From making true friends, meeting Jongdae and wanting to be a better person, facing my trauma and overcoming it with him, and learning that my parents never once abandoned me... all of it patched up the black hole in my heart.

I have been cured in the heart and mind by the people around me and I am happy again. So happy that a crushed debut dream became a really minor issue to me.

I could look into Jongdae eyes now and swear from the bottom of my heart that I am really, really okay.

So I reached his cheek to feel the warmth off his milky skin and smiled tenderly at him. "I've never been happier than this. And I really, really, really love my life right now."

A glad tear escaped my eyes and I brought my lips to his, hoping that I could convey my utmost gratitude to him through it. Our lips touched and we stayed there to enjoy the simplicity and innocence of a kiss, and to appreciate just how pleasant everything has been for us.

We pulled away after a while and broke into big silly smiles. Jongdae hugged me up and repositioned me so that I was sitting on his lap and facing him.

I hooked my arms around his neck like a clingy girlfriend and gazed lovingly at him.

Damn those beautiful eyes... it always gives me the butterflies.

What now?

Jongdae was looking at me too until something behind me caught his attention.
"O-Oh god," He suddenly gasped, and instinctively tried to stand up but fell back on the couch again because I was still on his lap.

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