5 | goodnight

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🎵 Goodnight - by the man with a big heart & godly vocals

= Why do you think 'it's only me that can't'? Do you wish for tomorrow not to come? Lay down the thoughts that weigh on your mind, and don't worry about it. Put today as it is, and have a goodnight. =


"What? You need to rap?" Jongdae laughed when I told him about my position in the upcoming group evaluation. We were walking back to Sapphire after our supper ended.

I sent him a quick glare for laughing. "It's not funny! This is life and death for me, you have no idea how much time I invested in that. I feel like I'm just reciting a paragraph of words at lightning speed."

"Okay hold on, don't underestimate rapping here. If you can pull it off well, the stage is yours." He advised in all seriousness but I wasn't fully convinced.

"You say it so easily because you've never done it," I sulked as we finally entered the SM building again.

"Who says I've never done it?" Jongdae said, and I gave him a questioning look. "What I meant was, I know more than you think," he explained.

I squinted my eyes at him. "Is this related to your work again? Because I'm still dying to know what you do." I asked him once about his job while we were eating just now but he refused to tell me. So much secrecy only made me more curious. All he said was 'long story, I promise I'll tell you next time', but I decided to be patient and let him off the hook.

"Yeap, work-related." He smiled. "Anyway, I've got a favour to ask you."

"I don't do favours," I chuckled. I probably made it sound like a joke, but I was serious about what I said. I don't do things for anyone because all they think about is themselves at the expense of me.

"Don't dance tomorrow," Jongdae continued even though I already rejected. "Practice your rap or something, but don't dance. Your knees need to heal."

You call this a favour?

I stunned for a bit as we exchanged looks. I just couldn't believe my ears. This was the first time someone ever asked a favour for my sake. "I don't do favours," I repeated when I couldn't think of anything else. Besides, the showcase is tomorrow night so avoiding rehearsal in the day is impossible. My team may have synchronised our choreography together but there was a lot on my part to work on so there was no way I would promise him that.

"Come on, do it for me." He said in a really gentle tone that I almost wanted to give in. How is this doing it for him when he got nothing to gain or lose?

"I don't understand. What does this got to do with you? " I frowned.

"I just don't want to see you hurt. The bruises look bad as it is, any more than that is gonna take a toll on your body."

"I can deal with it myself. These bruises are nothing."

"Listen to me, please? You should really take care of yourself." Jongdae pleaded with his eyes. Little by little, he was crawling into my heart.

"I'll try, but I can't promise anything." I ended up saying.

He lightened into a smile upon hearing that. "Okay, that's a promise."

My eyes went big right away, "hey! I didn't promise you anything!"

"If you break your promise, you'll have to treat me a meal." He continued teasing, and I chased after him when he quickened his steps.

Dear My Devilजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें