13 | so what?

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🎵 How You Like That - BLACKPINK 💗

= I've crumbled before your eyes, hit rock bottom and sunk deeper. To grab onto the last bit of hope, I've tried to reach out with both of my hands. =


"Are you not going to let go of her?" Jongdae said in a surprisingly calm manner, a face with no expression and I couldn't decipher anything from it. "Jisoo," he called me out specifically, and it hit me that I was still grabbing onto Yuri. I quickly released her and she dropped to the ground, whimpering like she was the victim.

"You and you," he pointed at the both of us in an authoritative tone. "I wanna see you after class. For now, everyone get your stuff ready. Lesson's about to start."

I sighed heavily to myself. This was not how I expected things to go.


When class ended, Jongdae dismissed the other girls, leaving Yuri and I behind. He was definitely going to talk about the fight that he saw earlier, and even I was curious about how he would handle it.

"Come sit here, both of you." Jongdae urged us to sit cross legged on the floor with him.

"Jongdae oppa," Yuri pouted, scooting closer to him. "It's just a misunderstanding between me and Jisoo, we'll figure it out on our own."

I stared while she did the talk. Not even trying to salvage the situation from my side because everything had indeed happened, and it was true I wished to break her arm. Even now.

Jongdae exhaled. "How's your arm? Does it hurt?" He asked Yuri, showing her his gentleman concern that she did not deserve. I faintly scoffed at how Yuri was playing victim in this situation when she was the bitch that started all these.

And FYI, my hand hurt too because of what she did to me earlier. I just didn't whine like it's the end of the world.

"I'm okay, this is nothing. I'm... used to it," she mumbled shyly, tugging locks of hair behind her ears. Ew.

"Used to it?" Jongdae asked.

"It's all my fault, I should've known Jisoo better and stayed away. She just came at me because she was mad," Yuri muttered softly, her nose turning red at it.

I glared at her. "Excuse me?"

How dare she victimise herself and make me look like the culprit.

"I was only trying to apologise because I stepped on her hand by accident, but I really didn't mean it..." She started sobbing in front of him.

So fake, so unbelievable. Jongdae better not believe that.

"You trampled over my notes on purpose," I raised my voice, clenching my fists as my anger rose. "And you're not even sorry. Don't act like you're the victim here."

She turned to me with moist eyes. "I know you won't believe me but it's true. After all the time we spent together, you still think I hate you?"

"For god sake, drop the act, bitch!" I snapped.

I'd rather have Yuri reveal her evil side than play pretence. Like I always said, I despised people who lie into my face. Yuri was a perfect example of a two-faced bitch that I wanted to scale alive. "You seriously disgust me!" I cussed at her.

"Jisoo, don't say that. It's not very nice for others to hear," Jongdae cut me off before I could say more, leaving me in disbelief.

"You really think this is all a misunderstanding?" I questioned back. "Is this why you wanted to talk to us? Hoping that we would reconcile from a misunderstanding like this?" I scoffed more. "I didn't stay back to hear more bullshit from both of you. I don't expect you to understand or mediate the situation... coach," I addressed him clearly. That was the line I drew. "Just back off."

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