20 | goofy

111 18 7

🎵 Sunset - Davichi

= You don't want to show me your tired look, but I can tell from your forced smile. I will always be here, I will always come for you like the purple sunset. =

A/N: I'm so in LOVE with this song. The lyrics, melody and their voices are perfect for sad scenes... 🥺


"Can you walk?" Jongdae asked gently. He could sense how terrified I was so he was extra careful and patient with me.

I made a slow nod even though I wasn't sure myself, and let him help me up on my feet. It took everything in me to stand on my feet again, and that's where I saw broken glasses beneath my shoes.

And my dripped bloodstains.

"Let's go," he supported me at my elbow and waited for me to make my first step. I really appreciated his consideration of letting me do the first of everything. When I took my first step though, I ended up crumbling to the floor because my legs had no strength. Thankfully, Jongdae was there holding my arms to prevent my fall.

"Okay, you obviously can't walk." He commented as if he expected it, and went to my front in crouch position. "Get on, and don't tell me otherwise. Unless you want me to stay in this position forever."

It was half a threaten in case I would refuse him, but I was in no condition to argue so I hopped on. He picked me up as if I weighed a feather and carried me out in a piggyback, no other words said as we abandoned the window-shattered room.


I was back at the place where I told myself I should never return - Jongdae's room. He piggybacked me here through a different and longer route to avoid being seen by anyone.

The trainee rooms were strictly on the 2nd and 3rd floor while his room was on the top floor, 5th level of the dormitory. Surely, that level was reserved for VIPs like Jongdae since he was a guest of the program. Even Sohee and the crew were arranged to live on the 4th floor, so it was safe to say that I wouldn't come across anyone here.

I sat solemnly on his bed and waited for Jongdae. He soon returned from the outside with a first aid kit in his hand. Honestly, I wasn't ready to face him after he's seen this monstrous side of me, but at the same time, I was grateful that he was the one who came to my rescue.

"Why aren't you asking me?" I asked softly.

Fifteen minutes had passed in silence so I decided to break the bubble for him knowing that he was curious about it.

Jongdae looked at me and put up a soft smile. "Not now," he said, to my surprise. "I don't want you to think about it. Whatever it is, you can tell me next time when you're ready."

I felt my eyes go warm again because of that. His answer, gentle tone, tender smile, and soft-serving gaze... all of it comforted me.

"Just answer me one thing for now," he added. "Are you feeling okay?"

Sweet gentleman he is. How to not feel okay when he's protective like that?

After so long, I managed a smile at him and nodded.

"Good, let's get this cleaned up first then." He took in my hand and I flinched at the sudden consciousness of my injury, causing him to let go.

Dear My DevilDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora