Chapter Twenty Four: Praying to the Porcelain God

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I was sorely tempted to reach out and hug the girl, crushing her against me until she started pounding her fists on my chest furiously trying to get me to let her go. However, I sincerely doubted that Kathryne would be pleased by the action. At the moment she was quite pleased with herself, over having the privilege to witness my tiny slip up in logic.

Granted, I definitely deserved it for teasing her so much, but I still was loath to admit that I had made the mistake in the first place. I’d done something I hadn’t thought I’d ever do: I’d failed to properly think it through.

She was thoroughly enjoying my embarrassment; humming a tiny tune while measuring the different ingredients and dumping them into the mixing bowl. Her wide smile seemed permanently glued to her face as she prepared the dough to be baked.

Sighing in defeat, I turned away from her. “I’m going to go use the restroom.” I needed to properly compose myself before speaking with her again. Otherwise I was liable to do something stupid.

Kathryne snickered. “You go do that.” She replied, banging the spoon against the bowl.

 She was far too amused by the whole thing. Not that I could blame her. “I’m an idiot.” I mumbled, splashing water on my face to try to make the heat in my face go away. At least I hadn’t made a larger blunder and accidentally insulted her. I’d rather her be laughing at me than ignoring me. At least if she was yelling at me I could try to do something about it.

“Oi! Adrian, you done yet?” Kathryne yelled, banging her hand on the door. “You have muscles, don’t you?”

Shouldn’t she already know that? She drooled over them often enough. Oh, she thought I hadn’t noticed, but I had. The glazed look in her eyes whenever she did it, so it was somewhat difficult to miss. I thought it was cute. “You stare at them all the time, don’t you?” I’d never understand why she was bothered when I caught her staring, but completely fine with me seeing her naked. Someone needed to get their priorities straight.

When she didn’t reply to my comment, I gathered that she’d probably walked away from the door. So I flung the door open, not anticipating that she might still be standing there, fuming. The door rebounded back slamming shut with a loud thunk. Though the noise might have been more Kathryne falling to the ground than the door.

Cursing, I opened the door slowly this time, peering out the crack to see her curled up into a ball a distance away, clutching her nose. “Kathryne, are you all right?!” Immediately rushing out of the toilet to make sure I hadn’t done any serious damage.

“Dumbass!” She snarled, glaring at me. “Do I look O.K.?!”

I’m going to take that as a no. “Let me take a look at it.” I said, kneeling down and gripping her arms. “I might be able to fix it.”

Instead of letting go of her nose, she kicked at my legs. “How the hell can you fix a broken nose?!”

Quite easily actually. Vampires can do a lot to a person, just by drinking their blood. Erase memories, heal minor to moderate wounds, form bonds…I couldn’t help with her arm and leg, the injuries were too old, but I could probably fix her nose.

Probably. “Same way I found out about the severity of your sleeping issues.” I replied, gently prying her hands away from her face.

I definitely needed to pay more attention when opening and closing doors. There were already dark circles forming beneath her eyes, and plenty of blood gushing from her nostrils. The dark liquid seeping from the injury looked absolutely delectable, something I could sink my fangs into.

I was lucky to have as much control as I did. Her blood was tempting enough without the added expense of me constantly trying to taste it. So long as she wasn’t constantly hurting herself, I’d be fine.

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