Let's get things clear with (Moreover the intro)

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Hey everyone, it's Moon wolf here. Just to clarify things I am muslim so this story is written by a muslim girl :) This story is originally made by me so if you would like to use the story plot or whatever, please ask! (Although I'm pretty sure none of you would but okay :) Anyways I hope you enjoy the story and make sure you check out my fan fic 'cause I'm a big anime fan!

Now let's begin the introduction....

Anabia Nouri: Age: (Currently) 14 years old

                               Height: 157cm

                               Birthday: 6th April

General description: Brown eyes and Hair. Olive-skin. Wears glasses but later on starts wearing contacts. Very artistic and enjoys being around friends. Mostly hides what she's truly feeling around her family and friends and puts on a happy personality for everyone but when praying to God she truly shows what she feels. Cheerful most of the time and has a short temper. Sometimes impatient. Has a good relationship with children. Very self conscious and doesn't like other people touching her. Makes sure she is properly covered. Practicing muslim.

Siblings: Aadab Nouri, Kinza Nouri, Rubina Nouri and Yasir Nouri

Parents: Aida Nouri and Mudassar Nouri


Huzaifa Taheri:  Age: (Currently) 16 years old

                                  Height: 175cm

                                  Birthday: 26th May

General description: Dark hair that covers eyes and brown eyes. Pale. Ace in most subjects and top in class. Likes to keep a distant from girls. Though appears very hostile and scary he is kind towards others and very helpful. He has a love for children and loves his younger sister. Has many friends and loves to play sports. A practicing muslim and prays on time. Has a lovely voice while reciting Quraan and generally has attractive features.

Status: Practicing muslim

Siblings: Reena Taheri

Parents: (Will get back to that)


Fahda Qadir: Age: (Currently) 13-14 years old

                             Height: 152cm

                             Birthday: 2nd August

General description: Brown hair and eyes. Short for age. Wears glasses. Likes reading books and is known as the 'tiny bookworm'. Best friends are Anabia Nouri and Habeeka Kader. Loves baking cakes and treating her friends with some. Doesn't really talk to boys and has no interest in any of them. Very nauscious around uncomfortable topics and likes to write spy stories. Most of the time a very happy personality and an air of British authority when wants to. 

Status: Practicing muslim

Siblings: Dahlia Qadir and Kinza Qadir

Parents: Not specified in story


Habeeka Khaimoor: Age: (Currently) 13 years old

                                            Height: 162cm


General description: Tall and wears glasses. Brown hair and eyes. Likes reading books as well. Best friends are Anabia Nouri and Fahda Qadir. Likes painting and is good at pastel art work. Shipped with many boys she has no interest in and despises people who are self absorbed. Carefree personality and likes to hear the latest tea from Anabia and Fahda as they go to seperate schools. 

Status: Practicing Muslim

Siblings: Amina Khaimoor and Iqra Khaimoor

Parents: Not specified in story


Mahnoor Masood: Age: (Currently) 14 years old

                                        Height: 160cm

                                        Birthday: 22 February

General description: Bronze skin with frizzy hair that's kept in bun. Sometimes straightens on special occasions. Likes hanging out with friends and anime. Stubborn about most things and  sometimes goes through mood swings. Regrets most of her descisions in life as she has been backstabbed and made fun of before yet tries her best to smile everyday. Loud and obnoxious however fun to be around with.

Status: Practicing/none practicing




Moon's Note: I am updating this soon so this is just the general idea of the characters. Also I will soon add in more specific ages for them and add in more character descriptions. I plan to begin this story after exams so anyone who is reading please be assured that this is not the end!

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