Chapter 9: Is it a sign?

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(Anabia: 14 years old, Huzaifa: 16 years old)

(Anabia's pov)

As I open the door to go down for lunch, the sound of screaming echoes through the hallway as I hear my brother wailing for more candy.

"I wan' can'y!" He cries and bursts into  tears on the floor. I slowly make my way into the room as the sight of Rubina holding up the the box of sweets surprises me. I pick Yunus up and wipe his tears as he continues to cry.

"Rubina why aren't you sharing the candies with Yunus?" I ask, now setting him down on the bed.

"Because they're my candies! Only I get to eat them because I'm saving them for my friends." She hugs the box tightly against her chest as she turns away from me. I sigh and walk over to her, crouching down so that my eyes were in level with hers.

"If you don't share your candies with your brother then Allah will be sad with you and won't give you anymore. But..." I say holding out my hand. "...If you share with him then Allah will be happy and give you loads more." She turns around, her eyes growing wide as she hesitates a little. "Even blue and pink and purple candies?"

"Yeah" I say, smiling. Her mouth forms into a bright smile as she takes the small wrapped up sweet out of the box and hands it over to me. 

"This one is for you" She walks over to Yunus who sat on the bed, his eyes still streaming with tears. "Here you go!" She says and smiles at him. Suddenly laughing, he hugs her tightly around the waist and runs over to me to unwrap it for him. I do so and then kiss him on the forehead and clean his face with my scarf.

"Now Allah's very happy with Rubina" I say and she gives me a quick hug too. "Yey! More candies for me!" She shouts and runs out the room and down the stairs.

"Let's go too Yunus" I say to him as he continues to choo on the sweet. I walk out the room and down the stairs until we finally reach the bottom. Everybody was already sitting down at the eating mat, having lunch. Sniffing the air, I walk over and setting Yunus down on the sofa, sit down beside Adaab who had already finished most of her food. Today we had Chicken curry with Naan bread. I lick my lips as I start filling my plate with food. This was going to be good I think and after reciting the duaa, start eating immediately. My parents were having their own conversation and as I continue to munch on my mouthful I overhear some of what they're saying.

"...So was the appliance accepted?" My mother asks, now looking at my father.

"Yes it was. It's most likely I'll get a reply in a few weeks time."

"So what about the children's school? We still need to decide on that. Depending on the British curriculum they've been studying it seems we'll have to find a school like that" At this my heart almost stops beating, the thumping sound loud in my ears. We were moving? No that couldn't be!

"We'll find one don't worry."

"We still need to start packing general things we need. The furniture also needs to be sold..." I get up and walk off to the kitchen, setting my plate on the counter. No way. We were moving? What about my GCSE's? My subjects? I walk over to the sink  and turn on the tap to wash my hands. This was just too much. I need to ask Ma about this. Drying my hands with the towel I walk up the stairs and into my room and take my books out of my bag. As I start taking out my pens, My mother comes into the room, holding a glass milkshake and sets in on the table next to me. 

"Anabia don't tell your sisters but we might be moving the country soon." 

"Yeah I know" I say and sit own at my desk to start my homework.

"You heard us over lunch didn't you?" She says and sits down on the bed with her phone.

"Yeah. Why are we moving? Isn't it perfectly fine here?" I swivel my chair around to look at her as she stares at the glowing screen in her hand.

"Well your Dad found a job over there which he found better suited for him so he decided to take it."

"Ma none of us want to move. What about my GCSE's?"

"You haven't started them yet so it'll be a good opportunity. It'll be fine Anabia." She says and stands at the door. "Change is nice once in a while you know. We all know that eventually we had to move anyways." She waves her hand smiling and walks off towards her bedroom. Pressing my hands against my face, I set my head down on the table, tears gently falling into my palms. Is it a sign to help me? Is this a way to keep me away? God please answer my prayers!


Moon's note: Ciao everyone, hope your all well. Thank you for reading this chapter which I know is not my best but hopefully it's good enough. Due to my wrist getting sprained it's been very difficult to type so I apologise for the grammatical errors. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to vote, comment and share! See you all next week! Ci vediamo amiche :)

(Also if you know anyone who'd be interested to to become an editor, please comment or message me)

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