Special #1: The place we call Home

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Moon's note: Ciao fellow readers. This week's chapter will be a little different as I had decided that every 10th chapter would become a special. Apologies to those reader who were hoping for an update on the actual story however if you want to dive deeper into the characters past then keep on reading! Hope you enjoy!


(Anabia's past: 8 years ago...)

"The Lion's coming to eat you!" I ran as fast as I could, my tiny legs building up momentum and speed as I could feel the air being snatched away behind me. "ROAR!" We both stumble over as his hand grabs onto the back of my dress and we land back first onto the dirt floor.

"Haha I caught you!" He says while smiling a cheeky grin. Grunting, I pull a face and pick myself up, dusting my knees with my palms. I hated loosing, especially when it came to games.

"Next time I'll win you wait and see Mr Lion" I say as we start running around the small grassless area again, laughing and screaming our heads off.

Anabia, Hashir! It's time to eat!" We both stop in our tracks, our breaths shallow, our cheeks bright pink from the amount of chasing we had been doing.

"Okay let's go! We can ask Sadit to play with us afterwards. Then there'll be two lions and one human" 

"That's not fair! I'm going to invite Ruhee to come play too" He looks at me, the small smile on his face growing even even wider as he starts laughing.

"Sure why not!" He says and runs through the Curtain Walled house, his shoes leaving trails of footprints behind. Just as I am about to walk in behind him, huge arms around my waist as I feel my feet  being lifted off the ground. I turn my head around and stare on into the smiling face of a 12 year old boy, His school blouser now covered with dust as I tightly rap my arms around him, squealing in delight. "How's my little cousin doing?" He says as he hugs me back.

"Sadit you came back! We were playing lions and humans. Do you wanna play!" I ask, as he continues to hold onto me.

"Yeah sure" He says and laughs. " After we eat kunch. I'm starving" Putting me down, he tightly holds my hand, as we both walk on, my tiny footsteps and his huge strides taking us through the curtains and into the small little house that we called home....


(Huzaifa's past: 8 years ago...)

"You can come over tomorrow, you need to go and have dinner" She smiles brightly, her eyes a soft honey brown in the sunlight as I stood infront of her, my arms crossed. 

"Okay" I sniffled and wrapped my arms around her waist. She was the only friend I had. Since I was the only foreign child in the neighbourhood all the kids made of fun of my accent and avoided me as much as possible, of course all of the kids except for her. "But what if I run into them again?" I say and look up into those kind smiling features.

"Don't worry Black sheep." She says and pecks my forhead. "If they ever cause you any trouble Allah will always be there to help you. All you have to do is trust in Him." Trust in Allah. Trust in Allah. I shut my eyes as I repeat those words in my head, clenching my my fists.

"Okay I'm ready to go then!" I say opening my eyes and smiling as widely as I can, the feeling of hope suddenly seeping inside of me.

"That's my little black sheep" She says and ruffles my hair. "Now go run along now. It's almost dark."

"Okay. Bye Bye!" I shout from behind as I run down the the tiled pathway.

"Bye Bye!" She calls back and waves her hand in the air. I can't wait to come back tomorrow. Now laughing lightly I look up at the sky. Thank you Allah for everything I think as I slow my pace down and walk in through the tall polished gateway and knock on the door. Opening the door my mother stands infront of the doorway relief washing her face as she pullls me in for a hug.

"Your finally home Huzaifa" She breathes as she passes her hand over my face. "I was starting to get worried"

"It's alright Mama. Next time I'll try be on time." I say and walk through the doorway and into the place I called home....

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