Chapter 1: The way she looks at me

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(Anabia: 14 years old, Huzaifa: 16 years old)

(Huzaifa's Pov)

"Huzaifa. Ya Huzaifa wake up it's time for school" I open my eyes as my mother pulls the curtains, a sudden flash of sunlight filtering the room. " Were you studying for your exams last night?" I look at her for a moment, trying to remember what I was doing. That night I had been studying for my exams; until I had gotten a text from her. I look at my phone, now lying on the dressing table as my heart starts thumping loudly. I had to stop answering to everything she asked me or otherwise this might go too far. Yawning, I scramble out of bed and walk towards the bathroom as I try to flatten my hair. I really need to get a haircut. I thought as I look into the mirror. Once I had gotten dressed for school, I sat down at the table and started eating breakfast. All I could think about was her. Why am I even thinking of her? All she ever does is ask questions no matter how many times I told her to stop. On top of that she continuously stares at me accross the pitch every break. I hated her. I hated her and that was it.

"Huzaifa are you going to go home alone today again?" Reena asks as she sits down beside me.

"Yes I will. I have an after school class so Mama will pick you up"I say as my mother comes into the dining room.

"Huzaifa are you all right?" My mother asks. I look up at her for a moment and then continue eating.

"Yes I'm fine. Don't worry about me" I say and smile at her.


" AB^2 + BC^2 = AC^2. You've all studied this in Year 9 so I hope you'll all know what to do from here." I look at my notebook, my pen resting against my hand as I copy down the theorum. Year 9. It was such a blurr but I rememeber seeing her there too. Stop it Huzaifa. You can't let yourself think about her. You hate her. She's a girl. Your a boy. You're supposed to take your seperate paths.

"Huzaifa. Huzaifa can you hear me" I suddenly look up, Mrs. Krain, watching me as the whole class stares at me, the anoying ones snickering behind their desks.

"Uhh yes Mrs. Krain?" She looks at me for a moment and then smiles.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you in the visit in your world but you need to focus more. I asked you to do the problem on the board."

"I'm sorry Mrs. Krain, I'll do it right now" I say as my cheeks start rising with colour.

"No worries Huzaifa. Now take the board marker and do the problem." I look at her for a second and then take the board marker from her. As I walk over to the board, I hear  Faizal and Mahmoud whisper something. Just ignore them I thought and quickly scribbled out the calculations and circled the answer. "Sharp as always I see. Never underestitmating you skills." She says and nodds in approval."Now who'd like to do the next one?"


Break time. Usually I'd be hanging out with Moaz, and watch the football game on the pitch or go play myself, but today he was sitting with his girlfriend and a bunch of her friends. I sigh for a moment and then walk over to the bench, suddenly bumping into someone.

"Ahh I'm so sorry" She says and fixes her glasses. She looks up at me for a moment and then quickly walks away not once turning back. Shocked, for a second I stand there, still processing what had just happened and then realise, it was her. That girl was her. Shaking my head I sit down on the bench and unrap my sandwich. I didn't expect to see her. She's not hard to spot but that was unexpected. Tchh. I hate her. She's so annoying. Why can't she just mind her own business. Yet as I look at my bag, all I could think about was  the way she looked at me.


(Anabia's pov)

I lay down on my bed, my door shut so I could finally change. I bumped into him. I thought. I bumped into Huzaifa. As I repeat the sentence continuously in my head, the colour in my cheeks starts rising again and I cover my hands with my face. Ughh I'm such a bad person. How could I be thinking of a guy. I'm a muslim for God's sake this is wrong. I look at my phone, now vibrating. Probably Mahnoor  and the others talkng about some anime. I pick it up and start looking through my texts and all the people I had talked to. Faria, Nicole, Mahnoor.... there. There it was. Ever since the first day he had texted me, I couldn't help but go through our texts over and over again. I keep scrolling through until i finally reach the very first thing he had said and continued to read on.

I sigh, scrolling through the rest of the texts without reading them. My replies were so stupid I felt like such an idiot. I didn't know why but everytime I read it, I could feel my heart beating faster and faster.  Just thinking about the fact that he'd texted me was almost unreal. Yet one question that kept coming back to me was how he recognised me as the girl who looked at him. How did he know? Was it really that obvious? I had tried many times to keep my gaze towards the ground around him, but what if without realising I had infact looked at him? Who cares. I thought. At this point you've been caught so there's no going back. But all I could do was replay those words in my head. Stop staring at me...


Moon's note: ciao everybody. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's not amazing but I hope you guys liked it. I'm sorry if it seemed rushed, I only starting typing it out yesterday and editing and finishing off today. Spots still open for the following jobs:


.Pictures and artwork related to story

.Making new charatcers

Still updating the character description and intro list so more characters will be introduced! Well that's all from me, share this story with your frriends and leave a vote too. Ci vediamo amiche!

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