Ch. 191 & a bit of 192

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(Mariel: eyyyy back.. But i'll only update whenever I want or feel like. Im still tired but meh, everyday is the same and there's no change sooooo yeah. Also spoilers here bro's cause this is the manga part yeah.)

SPOILER!!!!!! you've been warned

"Sooooo, to another future ya'll but its just after Endeavor and Hawks fight" Mariel stretched feeling pops on her back.

"So the aftermath of the fight? Thats cool!" Toru sat leaning back comfortable.

"Oh also, there's some secrets here that's gonna be exposed." Mariel informs both the audience and the readers as she glances at everyone.

"So lets start." She lets the screen turn on.

Endeavor is seen standing with an arm up as he slowly falls. Hawks suddenly appeared catching the flame hero before he hits the ground. "I cant believe you actually used the same pose as All Might!" The winged hero laughed as held the giant man up.

"Oh yeah, he does!" Mina pointed at the screen.

"He does admire All Might now." Mariel chuckles as the flame hero blushes while looking away.

The pro's started teasing Endeavor as Hawks took pleasure and teased him the most.

"No... I used the other arm... His was.... The left...!" Endeavor sat at the ground with the help of Hawks. "Whatever, same difference! Anyway, thank you..... for winning!" The bird thanks the fire.

"He's trying to make an excuse!" Present Mic laughed as Aizawa slaps the back of his head to make him quiet.

"I give it 0 points. I got off to a pretty horrible 'start'." Endeavor slowly held his wound on his face as he tries to breathe in. "Sorry, but even so, this will surely definitely be huge!" Hawks pats the heroes back as he smiled. "First things first though, we have to do something about your injuries, and stop the bleeding..." Hawks as the screen shoes someone walking towards the two. "I cant move an inch. Call someone and-" Endeavor was cut off. "Hold up for juuuuust a minute. A lot of things went beyond my expectations..." A very familiar villain was seen as his back was focused on. Hawks and Endeavor both got their guards up as their eyes widened a bit. "But well, lets do things in order. Its nice to meet you, I guess.... Endeavor." Dabi smirks evilly as stares at the injured heroes.

"SHIT!!" The students and some heroes gasped in worry and fear.

"Yaaaaaay! Go Dabi!!!" Toga jumps on Dabi's back as she giggled crazily.

"Dabi might win because both Endeavor and Hawks are weak from the fight against the High End." At that, most of the heroes swallows down their saliva as they were filled with dread.

"You better kill both of them." Shigaraki scratches his neck as he looks at the burnt villain who in return shrugged.

Dabi was not visible in Endeavor's as the hero pants. 'My vision is blurry.... who?' He thought to himself as he tries to catch his breath. "I caught wind that you were here, y'see....." Dabi smugly looks at the injured heroes. "You are the one who murdered Snatch, or so I hear." Endeavor clenched his fist as his sweat evaporates from his heat.

"What?" Rock Lock and a few others silently questioned. Some gasped as they know who the murdered hero was.

"The League of Villains, Dabi." The villain smirked as he made insane amount of blue flames surround them three. "Sna-who? Doesnt ring a bell. More importantly, lets have a little chat. Opportunities like this dont come so often." He looks down on them as Endeavor tries to stand and Hawks supports him. "Ye-owch! Everythings on fire! Hot! Hot! Hot! Blue flames?! That's not Endeavor!" A hero shouts in pain from the sudden heat. "Man they're strong!" The other tries to cover his head with his arms. "Thats Dabi, a member of the league of villains! He's put up a wall of flames, completely surrounding Endeavor and Hawks!" A reporter announced in fear for both the heroes. "Its him! Thats a bold move, whats he trying to accomplish?" The screen changes to class 1A as Aizawa narrowed his eyes.

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