It's A Date

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7- It's A Date

Goten stretched as he walked down a quiet street in West City. It was growing late in the night, and it was freezing, so not many people were out. Goten loved this kind of weather, though.

He had just finished his workout for the day, so he was walking off the soreness. Goten had practically grown up in a dojo, and his father trained him to be strong, but the workouts he had been doing lately used a lot more stamina because he was preparing for the West City Police Academy.

Ever since Goten was young, he had wanted to be a cop- a special agent, to be precise. He wanted to go out there and catch criminals and make the world a better place. Plus, special agents were cool and always had ladies flocking around them.

In just a few weeks, Goten would be starting the Academy. Thankfully, he had passed the intelligence part of the test, and he knew he owed Trunks and Gohan big time for helping him study. His brother and best friend were geniuses and had skills for remembering things that Goten didn't process. Now all he had left was the physical test, which was why he was training so hard. On top of being one of the youngest recruits, he would also be a rookie. He didn't want to let anyone down.

A masculine scream from a nearby alley caught Goten's attention. He felt his gut swirl in adrenaline. It looked like he would be starting on experience early!

Goten took off towards the sound of the scream and skidded into a dark alley. He saw bulky shoulders and hair that looked like it was bleached too much.

"Come on," Goten heard a gruff voice practically whine. "You've been flirting with me all night!"

"Flirting?" A softer voice scoffed. There was something familiar about that voice. "Do you call listening flirting? I don't owe you anything - especially my body!"

The man let out a growl and went to grab at the woman's wrist. Goten moved to rush forward, but before he could reach them, there was a loud hiss. The man suddenly started to scream, and he fell onto his knees.

"Ha!" The woman was laughing as she held a can of pepper spray in her hand. "I don't know who you think you're messing with, but I don't take shit from anyone, asshole!" For good measure, she kicked the guy in the crotch, causing him to groan as he fell forward. Goten cringed as he watched her step over the fallen man with platform heels. They clicked against the concrete as she came into the light.

Goten could do nothing but blink. "BULLA?!" He screamed.

She looked up at him, and her blue eyes widened. "Were you there the whole time?" She asked him. "Thanks for nothing!" She huffed as she walked past him.

"Bulla!" Goten gasped as he followed behind her. "What do you mean thanks for nothing?! You seemed to have it under control!" He still couldn't believe it was her!

Bulla turned to look at him with a cringe on her face. "Ugh! Gross! I got yucky spray on me!" She reached out and wiped her hands on Goten's hoodie.

"What the hell, Bulla?!" Goten stepped back. "What we're you doing out here in the first place?!"

"Well, I was on a date," she said. "The guy was a total loser, though. When I told him I was leaving, he tried to get me to go to a hotel with him. As if I would!"

Goten felt his jaw clenched for a second at the thought of some man thinking he had a right to take Bulla to a hotel. "Just how many times have you had to pepper spray guys like that?" He asked curiously.

"Honestly, it's the first time I've ever had to do that, but I did good, didn't I?"

Goten blinked in surprise and nodded his head. "Yeah, you did good. Let me see it," he took the pepper spray and turned the cap so it wouldn't spray out accidentally. "I'll have to wash this hoodie now thanks to you," he muttered as he handed the spray back to her.

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