Always Welcomed

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13 - Always Welcomed

Pan glanced down to triple-check that Trugo was secured safely in the baby wrap she was wearing. He was sleeping soundly, his little face resting against Pan's chest. His dark hair was wild on the top of his head, but Pan had done her best to tame it down. Trugo was dressed in a little frog romper, courtesy of his Bu-Bu, who was still buying him clothes. Pan honestly didn't know what she was going to do with all the outfits.

Trugo was a little over a month old now, and Pan was making her first trip with him outside of going to the doctors or a grocery store. Trugo was snuggled against her chest and she had his backpack full of anything he might need on her back. It seemed almost fitting that Trugo's first official field trip would be to Capsule Corp; Pan had plans to meet up with Trunks and Hana there so they could go to a park nearby. She was currently waiting in the lobby of the floor Trunks' office was in.

"My Panny, and my baby!"

Pan turned around with a smile as Trunks walked up to her. Hana was riding on his shoulders, her lavender hair was in two twin tails. She had on a pink summer dress with a matching pair of pink shorts underneath it and pink sunglasses and sandals. Her Aunt Bu-Bu must have dressed her, too.

"Hi, my Hanny!" Pan said.

"Is that heavy?" Trunks pointed towards the backpack. He picked it up before Pan could answer and had it sliding down her arms. "Jeez, Panna, what did you pack in this thing?" He laughed as he put on his back.

"It has all of Trugo's things in it," Pan defended with a pout. "And I made some bentos for us."

"A woman after my own heart," Trunks smirked, and Pan's cheeks grew warm. He reached up and sat Hana down on the floor. "I have to run to my office and grab my phone and keys right quick."

"Okay," Pan nodded as she sat down on one of the couches in the lobby. "Hana, Trugo, and I will wait here."

"Yeah!" Hana crawled up next to Pan and snuggled against her.

Trunks smiled at them. "I'll be right back," he said before he turned and practically ran down the hall.

Pan laughed after him in amusement and wrapped her arm around Hana. "Are you ready to go play, Hanny?" She asked.

"Baby Trugo play with me?" Hana smiled as she leaned forward and kissed Trugo's forehead. He grunted in his sleep.

"He's too little to play the same way you do," Pan told Hana softly. "But, I'm sure he'll watch you once he wakes up."

Hana furrowed her brows together. "When he big, he play with me?"

"Yes," Pan promised with a nod. "He'll play with you once he's older. I bet the two of you could get into so much together." She could see it now - Hana and Trugo making messes wherever they go. Even though the thought caused a small amount of stress already, Pan couldn't wait to see them play together.

"Excuse me?"

Pan glanced up at the unfamiliar voice and blinked up at a young woman standing in front of her and Hana. She was a pretty young woman; her pale brown hair curled down her back. Her hazel eyes looked at Pan worriedly, and she had a Capsule Corp lanyard with her access card around her neck.

"I'm sorry," she said, "but visitors aren't allowed on this floor. Do you know the department you're needing? I can help you -"

"Mira!" A familiar voice called, and Pan turned to see Marron waddling their way. She was close to eight months pregnant now. She wore a soft pink dress that was loose around her but still showed off her bump.

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