It's Always You

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14 - It's Always You

Pan felt numb as she sat down at the bus stop. She was trembling and she fought to catch her breath as she clutched a four-month-old Trugo against her chest. Her hands shook as she pulled out her phone; it was nearing 8:30 at night. The sun had set and the sky was turning into a dark blue. Thunder rolled in the distance and rain was threatening to fall.

Her phone rung suddenly, nearly causing Pan to drop it in fright. She was relieved to see Trunks' name up on the screen and she had to swipe her screen three times before it answered.

"Panna," Trunks answered, a small laugh in his voice.

Pan's throat tightened. She let out a small, choked sob and quickly pressed her lips together. She could feel the hot tears of aggravation and fear rolling down her cheek.

"Pan?" Trunks called, "Pan, what's wrong? Where are you? Are you home?"

"I'm -" her tongue felt glued to the roof of her mouth. "Mall - West City Mall."

"Okay," Trunks' voice was calm and gentle in her ear. "I had to go into Capsule Corp this evening to sign a few papers. Hana and I will be there in less than five minutes. Can you wait for us?"

"Mhm," Pan blinked her eyes quickly.

"I'll be there in 2 minutes," he said.

Pan barely had enough time to uncapsule Trugo's car seat and buckle him inside of it with warm blankets before Trunks' car came screeching in front of her. A drizzle had begun and Trunks jumped out of his car and ran to Pan. He grabbed Trugo and the diaper bag.

"Get inside the car," he told Pan. "I'll buckle him up."

Pan crawled into the passenger seat of Trunks' car. It was warm compared to the chill from the December air. She looked to the backseat where Hana sat in her car seat, snacking on gummy bears.

"Panny!" She smiled brightly at Pan. "And my Baby Trugo!" She said as she watched Trunks buckle Trugo up.

Pan swallowed the lump in her throat as Trunks closed the backdoor and returned to the driver's side. The rain had picked up and his shoulders were soaked. He looked at Pan, his blue eyes bright and full of worry.

"Panna -" he reached up, his cold hands wiping her cheeks that were rolling with tears. "It's okay," he said softly. "I'm here now."

Pan's shoulders shook as her chest tightened. Before she could stop herself, she was sobbing uncontrollably. Trunks leaned forward, his arms wrapping around her and pressing her against his chest. Pan grabbed ahold of him and held onto him tightly.

"Panny?" Hana called worriedly. "Why is Panny crying?"

"She's having a bad day," Trunks told Hana. "It's okay. We'll take Panny and Trugo home and fix it." He leaned Pan back and smiled at her softly. "Is that okay?"

Pan's throat was too tight to speak, so she nodded. There was nowhere else she rather be at the moment.


Pan stared at her reflection and sighed. She was wearing clothes that belonged to Trunks and she follows the waistband of the sweats up several times. Her eyes were still red, despite her washing her face and standing in the steam of the shower for what felt like hours.

The penthouse was quiet as Pan stepped inside the hallway. Maybe she had spent hours inside of the bathroom without realizing it. As soon as they arrived at the penthouse, Trunks handed her a pair of his clothes and told her to go take a hot shower or bath and relax. She had refused at first because Trugo still needed tending to, but Trunks assured her he could handle it and that he would let Chi-Chi know that she and Trugo were with him.

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