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17 - Bliss

Pan woke up feeling as if she were in a daze. Her eyes were still shut, and she sighed as warm fingers ran down her back. She could feel the gentle kisses feathering against her neck and chest. She could feel the ghost of hungrier kisses and touches all across her body. There was a soreness between her thighs, but it wasn't entirely unpleasant.

Warm fingers moved down Pan's back and over her thighs. She gasped loudly as a thumb stroked a sensitive spot. Her heavy eyelids fluttered open.

"Are you finally awake?" Trunks chuckled. He raised his head to look at her. He pecked Pan's lips and she couldn't stop staring at him. His lavender hair was wild and his blue eyes were bright. He had hickey marks going down his neck, going down his chest and even lower.

Pan let out a small squeak. She covered her face with her hands and turned quickly to hide it against Trunks. He was laughing as his arm wrapped around her tighter. "Panna - " he sang her name. "Don't tell me you're embarrassed now. Not after you rode me half the -"

Pan removed one of her hands from face and covered Trunks' mouth with it. He was laughing as he grabbed her wrist and moved her hand. Pan hadn't known she had such a bold side to her until last night. It had been all because of Trunks, though. He was a man of his word and more than fulfilled his promise to satisfy.

Pan leaned back and moved her other hand so she could look at Trunks. He was laying on his side now, watching her. He reached up and brushed her dark hair out of her eyes.

"I feel like last night was a dream," Pan whispered.

Trunks shook his head. "It was no dream, Panna."

"So, you still want to marry me?" She asked.

"More than anything," he grinned.

Pan was the one to lean forward this time and press her lips against Trunks'. He rolled onto his back and pulled her on top of him as he kissed her back.

"We'll have to get up and shower soon," Trunks murmured against Pan's lips. "I have to check out of the hotel by ten."

Pan glanced at the clock. It was almost eight. She pouted and laid her head down on Trunks' chest where she could hear the beating of his heart. "Let's stay like this, just for a few more moments."

"Okay," Trunks said with a chuckle.

"But not too much longer," she added. "I'm ready to see the kids."

"Our kids," Trunks kissed the top of her head.

Pan could feel her body buzzing at the words. "Mhm," she squeezed Trunks. "I'm ready to see our kids."


Bulla bounced Trugo as she paced across Brief Manor's foyer. After sending Pan her little gift, all Bulla had gotten back was a text from Pan stating that she would be using the plane ticket and arriving back with Trunks. Now, Bulla was ready for all the juicy details.

She turned around to look at Goten, who was sitting in the foyer chair holding Hana, who was still sleepy from the nap she had taken. Bulla knew as soon as Trunks and Pan walked into the home, Hana would be bright eyed and awake. She had already told Bulla, Goten, and anyone else who would listen that she missed her Daddy and Panny.

"How much do you want to bet that Trunks and Pan are engaged?" Bulla asked Goten.

His eyes widened in surprise. "Engaged? Wasn't the whole set up to get them dating?"

"Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they came back hitched," Marron said as she walked into the foyer.

Gohan, who was walking behind her holding Kyou, looked just as surprised as Goten. "H-hitched? You don't think they would seriously do that, do you?"

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