It's fine - Luke Garroway

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You were bitten by a werewolf.

Characters involved: You, Luke Garroway

Trigger warning: blood

Request: //


Here you were, sitting in the back seat of a police car.

Blood covered your shirt, but no wound was there.

All you could remember was something big and hairy that attacked you. An enormous pain, blood, screams, howling. But it seemed  to be too unreal to be true.

You fainted after the attack. Someone probably saw it and called 911. For some reason the police man insisted of you staying with him and honestly, you did not care.

Closing your eyes you tried to remembet everything exactly, but you were too exhausted.

Hearing the voices outside the police car you almost fell asleep, when someone ripped you out of your thoughts.

It was the police officer. He sat down next to you in the backseat, leaving the door open. The cold air that hit you felt good on your hot skin.

Tears filled your eyes. 'I don't know what happened. Something is wrong. I can feel it.' You indeed felt it. Your fingers and your lips were painfully tingling and your head was throbbing.

The tall man just smiled. 'I know. It's fine. I'm Luke Garroway, and who are you?'

He seemed to be very nice, his voice sounded caring and encouraging, for some reason you trusted him immediately. 'I'm Y/N.'

'It's nice to meet you, Y/N. Even if the circumstances probably aren't the best. Do you agree to come with me to a save place?' He lightly touched your shoulder, you felt the warmth of his hand heating you up even more.

You nodded, just wanting the pain to stop. He got up from the backseat and closed the door, just to sit down in the drivers seat to start the engine. The contstant humming of the engine made you finally fall asleep.

Luke's voice woke you up again, just some minutes later. 'Hey, Y/N. Wake up, please. We  are here. I know you are tired, but we really need to have a talk.'

He helped you out of the car and just now you realized that you stood in front of a small and old bookstore. Not exactly what you expected. You thought he would bring you to a hospital or to the police station or somewhere else.

As if he smelled your doubt, he rose his voice again. 'It's going to make sense, trust me.'

There was nothing to lose, so you followed him inside the store. The scent of books and wood overcame you, making you  immediately feel secure.

Together you crossed the store and reached some living rooms. He pointed to a sofa and told you to sit down. You followed his orders. He placed himself next to you.

'Tell me, what did you see? What attacked you?' Again he put his hand on your shoulder, queezing it lightly.

You began to stutter. 'I am... honestly... not sure about it. May have been a dog.' It was bigger than a dog but who would believe it.

He sighed. 'And why are you covered in blood?' You looked down on you. Your gray shirt indeed was covered with blood. You remembered the pain.

'Probably from the dog. I am not hurt.' I looked back at him and he rose his eyebrows.

'May I?' He touched the bottom seam of your shirt and looked at you with a questioning look. You nodded, trusting him completely. What was wrong with you? You struggled with trust issues but he seemed to be like a secure base.

He lifted the shirt a bit and your whole stomach was covered with blood. Right over your belly bottom there appeared some wounds. No, not wounds. Scars. They looked like scars. That was impossible. You touched your felt and defintitely felt them. They were real.

Again tears filled your eyes. You thought you were driving insane. 'I don't know what this is. It is new? What is happening?'

Luke groaned. 'You were attacked by a werewolf.'

You just stared at him and began to laugh. Okay, he's more insane.

'Could you please stop laughing?' He wanted to sound serious, but laughed too. Then his eyes started to glow bright green.

Your laughing ebbed away and you looked away, shaking your head and expecting the color to be gone. But when you looked at Luke again, they were still this vibrant color.

'This sounds ridiculous, I know, but it's real. You were attacked by a werewolf, I am a werewolf, you are a werewolf.' His eyes stoped glowing.

Believing it was a bad dream, you closed your eyes, taking a deep breath.

'Think a bit about it, Y/N. I'll get a towel so we can clean all the blood. The door is open, so when you want to go, you can. I would not advice it, tho.' You felt him standing up and going away.

You just remained sitting there, closed eyes and full mind.

Luke came back shortly after with a wet towel and a new shirt. Then he left again, since he needed to make some calls.

You undress your shirt and wipe the blood away. The scars had a light pink colour and they looked like they came from a scratch of a claw. You dressed into the new shirt, that was way to big but you were greatful and happy for it.

Luke came back some minutes later. 'I just called a good friend of mine, or well, my beta. I have a local pack here. We are all werewolves and you are welcome to come with me. They expect us.'

You nodded, whispering a quiet 'Thank you.'

As you made your way through the bookstore again, Luke closed the door. You stared into the store window, it reflected your body, including your glowing eyes.


A/N Sorry, that chapter was really crappy, but I wanted to include Luke, because there are almost no stories about him and he is pretty amazing.

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