I'm just trying to tell you... - Alec Lightwood

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You are a nephilim and live in the New Yorker Institute.

Characters involved: You, Alec Lightwood, Jace Herondale

Triggers: none

Request: ItSmYwAyToDoThInGs


You were currently eating lunch with Alec Lightwood. Your favourite time of the day. No matter how much stress you two had during the days and nights, you'd always meet up to eat lunch, no exceptions.

Life was just more beautiful with the caring and handsome Lightwood in it.

You enjoyed his company a lot and you could tell, that he also enjoyed yours.

The lunch was already eaten and you wanted to clean the dishes and continue your work, but Alec held you back by grabbing your arm.

"I think I need to tell you something. It's probably not the best timing but I need to get it off my chest. Since you came here... I..." He started to explain, stuttering, when his parabatai Jace appeared, sitting right on top of the table, taking an apple from the fruit bowl in front of him.

"Hello, my dear people. What did I miss?" The blonde asked, a feisty smile on his face.

Alec shook his head. "Nothing. Y/N, we should go back to our works. See you this evening? I don't have a night shift."

You nodded and left, continuing your day


"This day honestly sucked. There are demons literally anywhere. By the angel, at least Jace has the night shift." Alec said while you two were walking along the hallway.

Suddenly he stood still. "To come back to what I was trying to tell you earlier... I wanted to say, that since you are with us here, my days became a lot better and all I can think about is..."

The almost literal devil interrupted you once again by grabbing Alec by the collar of his shirt and pulling the taller boy with him.

"Jace, I'm busy and I'm done working for today. Let me go." Alec screamed and struggled, trying to fight himself free.

"There are demons outside. They have to be killed. Y/N will understand, won't they?" Jace smirked at you.

Disappointed and low-key starting to hate Jace, you nodded and went away.

What you didn't see was Alec, still struggling against Jace's strong grip and looking after you with a facial expression, that couldn't be described.


The next day you stood in the training room, a wooden stick in your hand, Izzy right in front of you.

You haven't slept the entire night. All you could think about, was Alexander Lightwood, the man you totally had a crush on.

Failing to fight off every hit Izzy did, she gave up. "What is wrong with you, Y/N? Trouble in paradise?"

"There can't be trouble in paradise when there isn't a paradise." You simply shook her statement off, put your stick away and called it a day. It had no use.

After you left the training room, you bumped into Alec. Almost falling back he wrapped his strong arms around your upper body, cradling you softly, with a faint smile on his face.

"Long time no see, my dear Y/N." He said and didn't let you go.

The energy between your body lulled you into a comforting warmth.

"EXCUSE YOU! NOT WHILE WORK!" You heard a familiar voice from around the corner. Jace.

You startled and pushed Alec away, your heart literally racing.

Being embarrassed of what you just did, you turned around and went away, leaving Alec standing there, with his arms still open.

Alec POV

It was clear that Y/N was really uncomfortable with this whole situation.

But the truth is, I simply had feelings for Y/N that I had to get off my chest. But that's not possible with Jace around.

Speaking of which, he came around the corner, a grin on his face.

"Stop it!" I screamed out, being angry at the smaller boy.

"Stop what?" He asked, obviously knowing what I meant.

"Stop interrupting me when I'm trying to start something with Y/N! I wanted to kiss him/her like 3 minutes ago, but Mr. Herondale has the constant urge to cockblock and ruin my fucking life." I said, pushing Jace back.

"I have noooo idea what you're talking about." The golden boy played and smirked.


Your POV

It was right before midnight and you sat in front of your desk, finishing the paper work from the recent missions, when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!" You shouted.

Alec stepped through the door. "Hi. Still up?" He said while smiling weakly. He seemed exhausted.

"Yeah, I'm almost finished though. What do you need?" You asked, looking at him with big eyes.

You turned around on your chair, facing the tall boy. He came towards you and crouched down in front of you, carefully laying one of his hands on your knee, trying to stay in balance.

"Those recent days were kinda weird, I have to admit. I brought you into a looot of uncomfortable situations. I'm just trying to tell you..." He said, staring at you with his blue eyes, when someone banged against the door.

You immediately knew who it was. "Jace, come in!" you said, while grabbing a heavy mug from your desk.

"Y/N, what by the angel are you going to do with that?" He asked, just to find out a few seconds later.

The moment Jace opened the door and tried to storm inside, you threw the mug right into his crotch. He sunk down to his knees and began to whine.

"Leave the room. Now. And don't you dare to come back an hour later. You go and leave us alone. And if not, the next thing to hit you there, will be a knife, not a mug." You sounded strict and not amused a single bit.

Full of pain the blonde boy nodded and left the room, closing the door.

As soon the door was closed, you brought your attention back to Alec, laying your hand on top of his.

"I freaking love you." Alec said, his smile as bright as the sun.

You leaned down and simply pressed your lips onto his as a response. He hummed into the kiss and slowly stood up, making you stand up with him.

The height difference was definitely noticeable and you almost had to stand on your toes to kiss back.

Alec grabbed the back of your thighs and lifted you carefully, just to turn around and walk some steps until he let you down on the bed, pushing you onto your back.

You broke the kiss and stared at his now red and plump lips and dark eyes.

"I just cockblocked the cockblocker." You affirmed, smiling softly.

"Yes, you did, babygirl/babyboy. And the cockblocker won't be back for a while. You know what that means?" Alec chuckled.

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