(insert clever title here)

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THOUGHT I WAS DEAD...well yes on the inside T~T I gots nothing to say than YAY I UPDATED blerp...


Natalia's POV

'Damn this lady is smart...' I thought sitting back. I looked at Han and the King 'ugh..their definitely gossiping' The music starts to play as I looked back.

I am not throwing away my shot!
I am not throwing away my shot!
Hey yo, I'm just like my country
I'm young, scrappy and hungry
And I'm not throwing away my shot!

"Alright Alright we get it" Peggy said while Bella laughs.

I'ma get a scholarship to King's College
I prob'ly shouldn't brag,

"Then don't.." Jefferson said narrowing his eyes. I can tell as soon as he set eyes on Alexander....

Already hates 'im

but dang, I'm  amaze and astonish

A few people facepalmed, "Really?"

The problem is I got a lot of brains

"HAH!! good joke try again-" Jefferson said sarcastically as a shoe got thrown at him by yours truly.

but no polish
I gotta holler just to be heard
With every word, I drop Knowledge.

"Hah...no" Jefferson said as Alexander was about to go over to him but was stoped by John
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 'DAMN IT AUTHOR'

I'm a diamond in the rough, a shiny piece of coal,Tryin' to reach my goal. My power of speech: unimpeachable. Only nineteen but my mind is older These New York City streets get colder, I shoulder
Ev'ry burden, ev'ry disadvantage I have learned to manage, I don't have a gun to brandish I walk these streets famished.

Alex's friends looked at him "you could've told us, We would've bought you some food.." Hercules said patting Alex. Who just shrugged.

The plan is to fan this spark into a flame.But damn, it's getting dark, so let me spell out the name

"Why would you need to do that?" Eliza asked to no one in particular. "Maybe to prove a point?" Peggy said in more of a question than an answer"

I am the—

E-R—we are—meant to be...

"Aaaannnnddd He did it.." Peggy said giggling.


A colony that runs independently
Meanwhile, Britain keeps shittin' on us endlessly
Essentially, they tax us relentlessly
Then King George turns around, runs a spending spree

"Hey!! I do not!!" King George said glaring at him "you technically did..." Han said sitting back "I thought we're friends!" The king said sitting back as well while Han silently laughs.

He ain't ever gonna set his descendants free
So there will be a revolution in this century Enter me!

(He says in parentheses)

"What...do you mean by that?" Eliza said looking at Alexander. Who shrugged being awfully quiet- Wait in the fuck second HE'S BEING SILENT HOLY FU- (No...and continue) Fuck you author (Hey you can't fuck me! Now continue *Uses glitter glue to fix the wall*)

Don't be shocked when your hist'ry book mentions me,I will lay down my life if it sets us free Eventually, you'll see my ascendancy

And I am not throwing away
My shot (my shot)
I am not throwing away
My shot (my shot)
Hey yo, I'm just like my country
I'm young, scrappy and hungry
And I'm not throwing away my shot
(And I'm not throwing away my shot)

Hamilton Reacts To StuffStuff [DISCONTINUED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat