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First of Imma make a pride chapter maybe later or tomorrow and second...I dunno why I updated this...that's it Enjoy this~


Hanzel's gosh darn POV

Hear ye, hear ye! My name is Samuel Seabury
And I present "Free Thoughts on the Proceedings of the Continental Congress!"

"Ugh...No not him" Herc said groaning. Natalia chuckled and excused herself exiting the room.

Heed not the rabble who scream revolution
They have not your interests at heart

Oh my God. Tear this dude apart

"I would've"

Chaos and bloodshed are not a solution
Don't let them lead you astray
This Congress does not speak for me

Let him be

"Stop stopping me from doing anything!" Alexander pouts as Burr rolls his eyes.

They're playing a dangerous game
I pray the king shows you his mercy
For shame, for shame…

The king smirked. I ate some Skittles muttering about crazy rulers.

[Hamilton (Seabury):]
He'd have you all unravel at the (Heed not the rabble)
Sound of screams but the (Who scream)
Revolution is comin' (Revolution, they)
The have-nots are gonna (Have not your)
Win this (Interests)
It's hard to listen to you with a straight face (At heart)

The rev set snickered while the king chuckles in amusement.

Chaos and bloodshed already haunt us (Chaos and bloodshed are not a)

"America..." I muttered looking down at my phone getting a lot of messages. "Are you not gonna...answer that thing?" The king asked, I shook my head.

Honestly, you shouldn't even talk (Solution)
And what about Boston? Look at the cost, n' all that we've lost n' you talk (Don't let them lead you astray)
About Congress?! (This Congress does not speak for me)
My dog speaks more eloquently than thee!

"Do you even have a dog?" Lafayette asked glancing at Alexander who just shrugged.

(They're playing a dangerous game)
But strangely, your mange is the same
(I pray the king shows you his mercy)
Is he in Jersey?

"What.Did.You.Just-" The king started "Look y'alls can start murdering each other later" Bella said crossing her arms.

(For shame)
For the revolution!
(For shame!)
For the revolution!

If you repeat yourself again I'm gonna

"I like this part" Peggy said playing with Bella's hair.

Honestly, look at me, please don't read!
Not your interests
Don't modulate the key then not debate with me!
Why should a tiny island across the sea regulate the price of tea?
Alexander, please!

I chuckled getting confused glances. "I like how desperate Burr is to get HamHam away from Seabury". "Don't call me that!!" Alexander yelled "You can't tell me what to do old man!!" I yelled back.

"He looks so tired of your shit" Jefferson said amused, "No one asked for your opinion!!" Alexander yelled.

Burr, I'd rather be divisive than indecisive, drop the niceties

Silence! A message from the King!
A message from the King!
[Full Company:]
A message from the King!

"Finally!!" Me and the king yelled surprising everyone. "But too bad I won't be here for it...Bella you're in charge" I walked out of the room and sigh 'Wow entertainingeld men is hard' I thought.


Ok I dunno how it went there but whatever...I just did what I can think of...Thanks for readin'

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