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Thought I died!? Well yes on the inside I did not want to update this cause one; No one will definitely read it and two; cause I'm seriously anxious on what everyone thinks about this..

Now on with a Third POV chapter

I may not live to see our glory!

I may not live to see our glory!

"Oh great they're drunk" Angelica said. While Peggy and Bella snickered.

But I will gladly join the fight!

But I will gladly join the fight!

"What is it with you boys and fighting..?" Eliza asked earning shrugs from them.

And when our children tell our story…

Alexander smiled, "How cute..." John muttered gutting Herc as Lafayette laughs.

And when our children tell our story…

"Stop repeating everything he says!!" Jefferson yelled getting ignored by basically everyone except Madison who just pats him on the shoulder.

They'll tell the story of tonight

Let's have another round tonight..

"No!! You're already drunk.." Angelica crossed her arms. "You and your booze" Eliza said shaking her head.

Let's have another round tonight

"Great..even your boyfriend agreed.." Peggy said giving Herc and Laf the look as they both blushed "Stop that we're not Lovers!!" They both yelled.

Let's have another round tonight

Raise a glass to freedom something they can never take away
No matter what they tell you
Raise a glass to the four of us

The four smiled. "This is really a nice song" Alexander said laying his head on John's shoulder stifling a yawn "Aww~ Is Hammy tired" John teased

"M' not shat up.." Alex said slightly slurring.

Tomorrow there'll be more of us

Telling the story of tonight

They'll tell the story of tonight

Raise a glass to freedom something they can never take away

"Hah!!" The king laughed . "Oh shush you're ruinin' the moment!!" Hanzel said. At this point Alexander is all drowsy to even care.

No matter what they tell you

Let's have another round tonight

"My gahd/No" Natalia and Angelica said at the same time.

Raise a glass to the four of us

Tomorrow there’ll be more of us

Telling the story of tonight

Let’s have another round tonight

They’ll tell the story of tonight
Raise a glass to freedom
They’ll tell the story of tonight
Raise a glass to freedom
They’ll tell the story of tonight
They'll tell the story of—


"That was beautiful" Eliza said as Washington nods in agreement. Hanzel wiped away his non existent tear remembering another version of the song that he definitely does not want to mention.

"Tha was nice" Alexander said falling asleep. "And he's finally down!!" John whispered/yelled grinning "I think we should take a small break?" Natalia suggested standing up "Mhm..that's a good idea" The king said glancing at Alexander who is now hugging John's arm. They all nodded as Eliza glanced at The two with a look in her eyes. And boy Peggy does not like it 'This ship will sail!!' Hanzel and Peggy thought.


A crappy chapter that is written in like 3 in the morning? Sure why the fuck not!!

Hamilton Reacts To StuffStuff [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now