Clingy kid

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This is honestly my least favourite song, so Imma make this simple

Hanzel sighed and played the movie again. Eliza smiled nodding.

Look around, look around at how lucky we are
To be alive right now
Look around, look around

How long have you known?

"Known what?" Peggy asked tilting her head. Eliza smiled softly.

A month or so

Eliza, you should have told me

I wrote to the General a month ago


I begged him to send you home

You should have told me

I'm not sorry

Thomas leaned back slightly chuckling.

Peggy huffed trying to figure out what's happening. Angelica grinned already figuring it out

You knew you'd fight
Until the war was won
The war's not done
But you deserve a chance to meet your son

Peggy made a noise of realization. A chorus of "congratulations" rang through out the room

Look around, look around at how lucky we are
To be alive right no-

The show suddenly stopped. They looked at Hanzel confused

Hanzel puts their hands up "it ain't me!" They said

A door to their left suddenly opened. "Was that even there?" Bella asked getting creeped out. Natalia quickly shook her head hiding in her jacket. Hanzel sat back smirking.

The door closed and then disappeared. "What the fuck was that!?" Thomas said, Hanzel chuckled "wait for it...". They looked at them weirdly.

"Wussup pussies- I guess y'alls are wondering what just happened" a voice suddenly said. They all jumped surprised "haha..Yolo..Hey Burr! Ya' might like what came out of that door a few seconds ago".

They looked at Aaron raising a brow. The said person looked around confused, Someone hugged him from behind "Hi sweetie..". Aaron looked behind him to see, Theodosia smiling down at him.

He stood up and immediately hugged her, She laughed.

"Where's my son?" Someone asked. They looked over to the direction of the voice to see a woman that looked slightly like Alexander.

They all looked at each other. Hanzel secretly pointed at the bathroom. She nodded.

"excuse me but who are you?" Eliza asked. But the woman ignored her, Angelica huffed 'How rude..' she thought.

The woman knocked at the door, earning everyone's attention.

Alexander's POV (Bet cha didn't expect that!)

I sat on the floor beside the bathtub, my eyes red from from crying. I myself didn't know why I cried...but I just suddenly did.

I jumped hearing a knock, I stood up and heard a familiar voice "Alex, it's me, please come out". I shuddered and slapped my face "I must be dreaming.." I muttered.

I shook my head slowly opening the door.

3rd Person POV

Everyone stood in anticipation except for Hanzel who remained seated. The door slowly opened.

Eliza tried to get a peek at Alexander but the Woman was blocking him.

"Hi Ale-" The woman was cut off by Alexander suddenly hugging her. Everyone was S H O O K.

Alexander cried surprising everyone specially his friends. "I'm so sorry!" He said "No need to apologize..We were both dying, and i knew I wouldn't survive"

Peggy perked up "You're his mother!?" She asked. Alexander's mother smiled nodding

She walked over to them Alexander clinging on to her. "I'm Rachel Faucette, as you can see I am Alexander's Mother" Rachel said. "But if you're his mother would your last name be Hamilton?" James said followed by a cough, Rachel shook her head "I was not married to Alex's father" She simply said.

"Hello Miss Faucette, I'm Elizabeth, Alexander's wife" Eliza said shaking Rachel's hand, Alexander has his face buried on his mother's back muttering stuff in French.

Rachel smiled at her, she looked back at Alexander and pats his head, "Where are you seated?" She asked her son. "Over here" John suddenly said patting the empty space beside him.

She went over to John, everyone watched her every move cautiously. "Alexander, please let go" Rachel said slightly chuckling. Alexander shook his head "Non.." He simply said.

"Let me help" John said, "Come on Lex..How about we sit down for a moment" He said rubbing Alexander's shoulder. The said man shook his head again, "Just let go..I'm not going anywhere" Rachel said turning around. "Yea! She'll sit beside you, if you want" John said getting rid of the pillow at the end of the couch.

Alexander finally lets go and sat down, Rachel and John sat down. "Wow, I never Hamilton was a clingy as-" Jefferson got cut of by James who elbowed his side.

Hanzel shook their head playing the video again.

Will you relish being a poor man's wife
Unable to provide for your life?

Eliza smiled at Alexander. He timidly smiled back leaning on his mother while John secretly held his hand.

I relish being your wife
Look around, look around

Look at where you are
Look at where you started
The fact that you're alive is a miracle
Just stay alive, that would be enough

"I hope so" Aaron said cuddling with Theodosia.

And if this child
Shares a fraction of your smile
Or a fragment of your mind, look out world
That would be enough

Rachel grinned

I don't pretend to know
The challenges you're facing
The worlds you keep erasing and creating in your mind

But I'm not afraid
I know who I married
So long as you come home at the end of the day
That would be enough

"You're so lucky to have a wife like that" Hercules said

We don't need a legacy
We don't need money

"Yea, we don't" Eliza said. Alexander slightly shook his head.

If I could grant you peace of mind

If you could let me inside your heart
Oh, let me be a part of the narrative
In the story they will write someday
Let this moment be the first chapter
Where you decide to stay
And I could be enough
And we could be enough
That would be enough

"That was beautiful" Madison said smiling softly. "It was" Angelica said happily hugging her sister. The king nodded in agreement

Hanzel rolled their eyes, Bella grinned bouncing, Natalia congratulated Eliza once again.


Hell yea! I gots the two lovely ladies in! And ps. I burned my hand-

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