8||You Are Not Alone!🕯

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Draco tried to open his heavy eyelids and failed but than tried again as he felt someone close to him. His heart jumped when he saw Harry God Damn Potter besides him laying on the floor with his elbows resting at the sofa where he was sleeping. A fireplace was setting besides the sofa and the room was little and warm full with blankets and different other warm thinks including another sofa but Harry had decided to sleep near the blonde.

He moved a little not wanting to awake Harry just to see what time was it. It was literally morning and after half an hour they lesions to take. Draco hold himself not to touch his massy hair but failed because they looked sooo touchable...After some minutes of petting his hair, Harry opened his sleepy eyes and looked at Draco which pulled his hand slowly.

"Morning!"-Harry said and then jawed a little making Draco miss a heart beat from his cuteness.-"How are you felling today? Last night you were really unstable and you kept mumbling something about a nightmare. Are you alright? Is someone or something bothering you?"-Harry asked not knowing it was literally his fault he was like that. 

"What happened to me? Where are we?"-Draco said avoiding other questions.

"This is my second home! Room of Requirements! You fainted from the cold! And were do you think you would go only wearing a single Shirt that was thinner than a paper!"-Harry said worried about his health.

Draco looked down and noticed he was wearing a nice fluffy warm jumper that looked like it was Harry's because it had a letter-H in it.

"How did I wore this?"-Draco asked Harry and was feared about something.

"I did... you were wet and freakin' freezing ! What did you wait from me to just let you die from cold! And don't worry I wont tell anyone about all those old scars all over your body!"-Harry said smiling.

Draco sat in silence.

"Draco...Did they do this to you!?"-Harry said as he touched his forearm. Draco didn't answered so Harry almost yelled.

"You will  pity me! I don't need you pitiless Potter!"-Draco said feeling his heart heavy, Harry leaned closer and pulled him in a huge hug. Draco didn't expect that and his heart was beating very fast. As well as Harry's heat. They were hugging and Harry found the courage to tell him something in his ear as a soft whisper.

"Friends don't pity each-other Malfoy! They open up and talk with each-other, laugh and cry together cause that's what Friends do! Draco don't be ashamed by your feelings and your scars. We all have ours but what we do is share! Share feelings and share stories...they don't heal our wounds but they make it easier to forget!"-Harry said as he held Draco in his shoulder.

After they pushed away he looked Harry in his eye they were so close and Draco was fascinated by his emerald green eyes that looked like gemstones .Also Harry was thinking of his Full moon silver eyes and how they were rolling exploring his eyes.

"Thanks Potter!"-Draco said and sat on the sofa.

"Do you fell like talking and opening up?"-Harry asked and sat besides him crossing his legs and taking some snacks that were near him offering some to Draco who took them with pleasure.

"Promise to tell nobody! Not a living soul! Understood!"-Draco said threatening him with a chips. He looked funny and really hideous. Harry hold his laugh and nodded.

"My lips are sealed! So how did you take these scars?"

"The old scars are from the Sectumsempra hex you used on me. Well some of them!"-Draco said as Harry gasped he had forgotten of the bathroom incident.

"Ans the other ones are from all kinds of materials like wood metal, plastic and god knows what else, Death eaters really liked taking their anger on us. The large ones are caused by hexes and spells casted like Cruciatus from when Voldemort found out we let you leave. Ughh nothing big."-Draco ended as Harry's emerald eyes filled with sadness and self hatred.

"I'm an Fucking Idiot!"-Harry said wiping his tears.-"I didn't even know what the spell did, I just found it and used it without thinking twice. And I didn't even thank you for not selling me out to Voldemort. I am so stupid!"

"No it's not your fault! You saved us all...you saved me...by giving an end to this .But remember not only you were part of the war. I never wanted to be a Death Eater! My father thought it would be something noble to make his son a servant to his lord! Make me kill humans and then just leave...Typical father yeeeey!"-Draco said confronting Harry and laughing nervously.

"It didn't had to be like this!"

"But it went so...That's it we forgot you know. One day it becomes just a bad memory!"-Draco said as the bell rang.

"We have lessons! We should go change probably!"-He added and looked at Harry!-"It's alright just don't worry about it."

Draco took his things and was headed to the door.

"Wait! Draco! Would you mind meeting me her tonight past midnight...I wanted to show you something to cheer you up."-Harry said and Draco nodded!

"I'll be there!"-And then left to his dorms. Leaving Harry and his plan in the room.


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