21||Obliviate! 🔮

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"I need to keep you safe! Please wake up Draco!We need to go back! Draco please open your eyes!"-Harry yelled in the morning Draco wasn't moving at all and that scarred him.What if his love of his life would never wakeup!- "DRACO!!! YOU SLYTHER ASS WAKE UP!!!"

"Morning Potter thinking for my ass first thing in the morning or w..."-He was saying as he opened his eyes and made a joke with his sassiness but Draco was cut of by a slap and a hug at the same time.-"What was that/this for?"

"What took you so long to wake up you idiot!"-Harry said in panic still holding Draco in a hug.-"After last night i thought you died you little peace of shit!"

"Why would you care Potter?"-Draco said and raised an eyebrow. Harry broke the hug to watch him.He was really wanting to kiss him and Draco was really close so he just grabbed his Slytherin tie and did something he would regret afterwards...

He closed the gap between them and locked his lips with Draco. He had wanted to do that since he found out that he had feelings for Draco Malfoy.His pink lips tasted like fresh strawberry...He kissed him for a couple seconds and than broke up to see a super confused Draco who was standing there in the ground besides Harry...Did he broke him.?!Harry grabbed his wand. He had to make a quick solution.

"I am sorry i shouldn't have done that! I just wanted to tell you that i really care about you cause I love you...I love you more than anything in my fucked up life. And Draco I am sorry...Obliviate"-Tears run through his face.

"No Harry wait...I..."-It was to late the magic hit him and now Draco was standing there confessed.-"What happened Potter."

"Nothing! Lets go back."-Harry said nothing and Draco was confused. He asked him why would he care and he didn't respond that means he doesn't care.

In the other side Harry was sobbing in silence. He was an idiot! Why would he do that! Was he out of his mind. He was just hurting himself like this, this desire for his lips was going to burn him! He knew he would never return his feelings back.He knew he couldn't be with him...but he still kissed him!The first time that they kissed was just a game nothing more...but this!!! What was he thinking...oh yes he was not thinking!!!Idiot, Pathetic, Hopeless Dumbass peace of Shit...He cursed himself along all the way to the school.

They reached the Forests edge and they saw the school Harry wipes his tears and goes to Draco.

"We need to get you to the schools infirmary."-Harry said and Draco tried to refuse which made Harry very mad.-"Look Draco someone fucking hexed you, separated us from Hagrid and than sends us fricking 'I am watching you' threat and you want just to pretend that didn't happen!"

"Harry calm down!"-Draco said trying to calm him.

"Don't Fucking tell me to calm Down Draco!!!You could have died from the cold and I was doing nothing!!! And this is not the first time I have to see you like that, and It makes me feel weak and useless when I do!"-Harry was yelling and that was it, Draco started walking to the tower without giving a word back.

They walked in the castle and Headmistress Minerva walked to them. She was freaking out as well and looked really mad for some reason.

"I will tell you everything, let Draco go to the infirmary he has been hexed! Can we talk in your office?"-Harry said without letting her say anything.

"After you Potter!"-She said and Draco left with Madam Pomfrey.


"Headmistress is this a bad thing?"-Harry said after telling her everything.

"Of course we have to worry but there will be no harm for you for as much time as you are here inside the school. But I would say that will a bad idea to go to Hogsmade after this occasion. You will have to wait till Tuesday next week. I would say you have to enjoy the weekend alone Potter because it will be the better for you and Draco stay alone for a while. Understood!"-She said and Harry nodded ...he needed to clear his mind for a while. Three days without Draco will be enough. Maybe he could write to his secret admirer meanwhile.-"Okay we will talk with Draco too...you can go...there will be no classes for you today!"

Harry left and as soon as he was out Dumbledoor talked.

"Do you think we are doing the right thing?"-He asked.

"In my opinion yes!"-Snape said.

"Harry deserves every bit of the happiness that this will bring! I have no doubts!"-Minerva said and left out a whimper.

"So much drama!"-A portrait said but no one commented over it, some just giggled.


It was evening. The sun had settled down and the first stars where showing up.

He was writing a letter to his admirer who was more like a secretive friend .

Hi Dragon!

It me! I wanna say sorry for not returning the letters...busy with some stuff. I just felt like writing you because i messed up! Like for real this time.
And for the match,will you be playing or watching?If you are playing you are a Slytherin, If you are watching than you are a Ravenclaw!
Tell me i really need to know who my friend is...Its not fare that you know me and i know nothing about you!

Dumbass ...

At the other side Draco received a beautifully wrapped envelope. He knew it was from Harry...His heart was beating fast as he started to read the words.Than that means he was waiting for a reply tonight! Well good I will sent a quick one.

Hi love!

Why are you messed up...What happened? Did someone bother you?
Please tell me as soon as you can.
As for the match...Harry please I am not ready to tell you this.
I am doubting my own self the last days...I am messed up to and I think i will just let you know that it's not the right time.
One thing i can say for sure! I love you...And i love you more than everything!


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