17||Letters for a week!📫

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The night was silent.Until...Draco's eyes flashed open by the weird sound coming from besides him. What was going on?

"Harry? Wake up! Harry snap out of it! Its just a dream..."-He was cut of by three words.

"Please!Not Draco!!"

Okay Draco took a deep breath and shook Harry. He couldn't let him dream about him getting tortured or killed or whatever was happening to him in that weird nightmare!

Harry moved in panic and when he understood where he was he without  thinking it twice hugged Draco tight.

He started to cry again.-"I-I thought i l-lost you!"

"It was just a nightmare Harry! Just a nightmare...Stop thinking about it! And don't be a little baby! Come on where is the brave Voldemort's killer?"-Draco said and hugged him back. He was blushing and probably smirking to himself.

They stood in silence. Harry now was trying to breath normally and his sobs now where finally disappearing.He was sleepy so he just said another three words ... "Don't leave me!"and fell asleep.

"What do you mean!"-Draco said but he was already sleeping.-"Fuck those damn medicines!Couldn't they effect after he finished the damn conversation!!"-He said but Harry shifted in his deep sleep so Draco kissed his forehead and said, things were going to be alright, and tried to get his beauty sleep done.


The next morning Harry woke up and saw that Draco was starting him awkwardly as he gave a weird smile.

"What's wrong?"-Harry asked confused.

"Oh nothing! You don't remember what we did last night do you?"-Draco said like they had done a sin!

"WHAT? WHAT DID WE DO?"-Harry whisper-yelled not wanting Madam Pomfrey to hear them.

"You don't remember than! Thats good I am not telling you!"-The blonde said wanting to make Harry frustrated.

"You little.."

"A aa aa ! Don't finish it!I already know what do I mean for you!"-the blonde said and now Harry was going to faint but held himself.

He couldn't know he loved him! He wouldn't be so cool if he did!

"You are bloffing! Malfoy!"

"You talk in your sleep did you know that?"-Draco said and gave him a weird look.-"But I am not talking lies! You did say 'Don't leave me!' and i knew you were dreaming about me all night!"

"Me Harry James Potter is never going to sleep with you...Ever...Again...Mister Mischievous Malfoy!"




"Fake blond!"

"Eeekkk! Don't you dare!"

"I win!"

"Stop laughing! Or i will bit you!"

"Make me!"-Harry gave a smirk and smiled devilishly!

"Gladly!"-And with these words Draco slid Harry under him and now he was standing on top of him. He found no resistance so he kiss/bit Harry in the neck leaving a red mark on it.

"Oh you didn't !You are dead Malfoy!"-Harry said as Draco stood up from the bed and took of running.

"Don't run you little brat! Come back here."-Harry said as Draco was reaching the door. Madam Pomfrey came in and gave them a weird look.

"You two look in good shape! Now get out of hear and play catch outside."-She said smiling shipishly.

Thats all Draco needed to run away. As Headmistress Minerva came in and stood in confusion. Than Harry said Good-morning to her and run after the blond. She noticed the hickey though.

"I ship them!"-Madam Pomfrey said.

"Oh! Me too! Me too."-She said and they both laughed.

——"Time-skip to the letters!"——

Well lets say the weeks that followed that day went peacefully. And now lets make a review for all these days letters.


I apologize for not writing you earlier. I was busy with a certain ferret messing me around. I wanted to tell you that i will be in this years Quidditch team and will play as seeker again. And I wouldn't be disappointed in who you are ! Who know if you are a good person we may be friend and even more! God knows!
Also I have a question. How did we meet?Where did we meet? And did i looked like a jerk back than?



Woow...I thought you were dead for not replaying me on these three days! Joking I know what happened! And is the certain ferret that blond haired boy you spent all the time with! He would be angry if you called him like that though!
As for how I meet you! Its funny to tell but.It was on Diagon Ally. First year.
I acted like a prick an no you were amazingly kind but a little to much confused and very bad dressed.
Oversized T-Shirt! Like really? That what you wear when you go shopping?
Anyway you looked amazing today!
I saw a love mark in your neck!Wondering if that is also from a love boy  or a certain ferret!
(I will be hopping for your victory in the next game!)

Pissed off!


Hey Pissed off! I am Harry!

Just joking! Well you meet me the fist day that means! How is it that i don't remember you?
So it is noticeable that i spent my time  around a ferret as I see! oh if he knew i am talking smack behind his back he would probably feed me to the giant squib at the Black lake.
As for the mark(not a love one) just giving you an advice:Don't mess with ferrets teeth! They are sharp!
The next match after the match between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw is us against Slytherins!
I will be playing!I hope i see you untill that time.



My love!

It's not a big problem that you don't remember me because you do! But you dont think that person it's me.
This ferret think is really making me think if you feel something for this boy!
I mean why the heck would someone who doesn't love you give you a love mark! And spent 2/3 if a day with?
Is he the one you were talking about?
As for the match! Meet you at the stadium golden boy! I will be watching you!

Jealous much
Your Dragon!

These are the letters written in two-three weeks.Between Harry and Dragon(Draco).

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