15||Truth,Dare,Kiss or Swear!💣

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"Yeaaaaa!"-Everyone drunk or not started to yell and open place for a spinning bottle.

Draco looked at Harry and saw a little fear in his eyes when Hermione pulled out a Veriteserum little glass bottle.

"And this is for little liars! The ones who choose Truth have to use one drop of it. The ones who choose Dare, have to make whatever the others say or have to make another choice between Kiss Truth and Swear.The ones who choose Kiss have to kiss whoever the other says without braking some relationships of course! And finally Swear...This includes a Unbreakable-Vow  charm and its the most dangerous one so please don't choose it if you can't handle the consequences!"-Hermione stopped and than spines the bottle. It stopped and she yelled -"Pansy to Luna!"

"Pick Luna!"-Pansy said with a cute voice.

"Truth always the truth!"-Luna said taking a drop of the potion.

"First crush?"

"Second year Ginny!"-Luna said blushing. Ginny gave her a cheek kiss and moved on!

The bottle span a few times it landed on Blaise (Kiss)than on Hermione(truth) than at Draco!

"So Hermione to Draco!"-Pansy said smiling in an evil grin!😉 winks*

"So Draco!Pick."-Hermione said as she looked Harry who was really excited to know some little things about him.

"Dare!"-Draco said not wanting to pick others as they looked dangerous to his friendship with Harry!

"Lemme think?-Hermione said and looked at Pansy.-"Hey Pans' do you want this one...i really need to throw up and i feel dizy!"-She excused herself perfectly.

"With pleasure bestie!"-Pansy said as Harry knew this was a trap!

"So Draco! I dare you to make a muggle tattoo on your body with Harry's name on it!"-Pansy said and the whole table cheered.

Harry blushed but had to speak up!-"He doesn't have to! I mean it!"-He excused and looked at Draco who was still processing the data that just arrived in his brain.

His best friend had just teased in-front of Harry frikin' Potter! How dare sheee!

"But Pans?!.."-He was cat by Pansy's words.

"Or choose other options! I swear they will be harder than you can even think."-Winks and Harry notices...he gulped and just let out a little worried sound that made Ron and other laugh.

"All-right!"-Draco yelled and turned to Harry.-"Nothing personal!Okay!?"

"Yea!"-Harry was disappointed.He wanted it to be personal!!!

Pansy winked and opened her gadgets bag she always carried around and looked for a tattoo gun. She found it, took two colors and invited Draco to follow her.

When they left, Harry could swear she heard Draco say 'you'll pay for this' under breath.

The game went on and the bottle stopped at Ron who choose swear.

He had to make the charm and promise to call his firstborn under the name of a flower. He agreed because it looked a good story to tell his kid about his name origin.

Now Draco came back with Pansy who looked more satisfied than ever about the thing she had accomplished.

"So were is the tattoo we have to make sure you did it!"-Blaise said as je looked at Pansy and Draco.

"Not going to tell where and Pansy agreed with this term!"-Draco snapped and sat down besides Harry as it was the only empty seat.

"Not even me!"-Harry said not so out loud but was hearable .

"Especially you Potter!"-Draco said with a self-confident smile.

"We will see about that!"-Harry said but now his fantasy was working for the devil and his thoughts were red dotted as how would he find the place the tattoo was inked.-"And Pansy...Do you always walk around with a tattoo gun in your bag?"-He asked now making a evil smile.

"Yes Harry. I am the best tattoo artist in the Slytherin dorm."-Pansy said as she cleaned some invisible dirt from her shoulder.

"Wondering if Gryffindors have one!"-Harry said.

"Interested in a new tattoo Harry?"-Ron asked with his drunk voice.

"Maybe! Why not! Malfoy got one why not me?"-Harry said as Draco gave him a look.-"Don't look at me like that nothing personal!"

"Yea we have seventh year Lee Jordan."-Ginny said and moved closer to the table.-"My turn to spin!"

Opps it landed on Harry. Ginny smirked and looked at Luna. They were up to something.

"Harry! Pick!"

"Maybe a kiss would be no harm!"-Harry said innocently.

"Well here we are all couples and i wouldn't want you to kiss someone who is already in a relationship!"-Ginny said and looked at Draco. His breath stood mid-way.

"Ginny no!"-Harry said knowing what was next.-"Can I pick something else?"

"No that only works for Dare my child!"-Ginny said mimicking Moly.-"Now kiss Malfoy!"

"What if I am not wanting it Weaslet!"-Draco said not really meaning it. Oh he wanted those lips, like...nowww.

"Nobody cares Draco!"-Pansy said an Ron supported the idea.

"You too mate?"-Harry said to Ron. Ron nodded. Harry was really nit wanting this first kiss to be like this...forced!

"Look we are all leaving now to go to Hogwarts! You can stay and give the kiss in. privacy we will be waiting for you at the school entrance."-Blaise said as he tossed some galleons to the waiter. They all sat up took their bags and headed out. They could still hear Pansy say 'use protection' from the distance.

"Cow!"-Draco said and noticed that they were alone. The waiter was sitting with the barista far away and they were unnoticeable.

"So! We can just tell them we did! They are gone now!"-Harry said but deep down he wanted it to happen now.

"Oh what You Scared little Potter..?"-Draco said but was interrupted by two warm hands holding his head and Harrys lips against his own.

They where warm, and so soft against each others. No tongue involved! Just pure love...Draco smirked in the kiss. They pulled out after a while and an awkward silence filled the air. The tension was up and the ground was looking heavier.

"You wish!"-Harry said taking a breath, looking away from his lips and straight into Dracos moon eyes.-"Nothing personal now we can go slimy git!"

Blushing level:999%
Breath takings:0/sec
Goosebumps:100% covering their body!
Awkwardness level: ♾
Heartbeats : 200/sec

Statistics where deadly but they had to keep it professional!

Did they liked it?
They loved ittttt!!!!

They started to walk out, smiling underneath their scarves, blushing slightly. Draco took Harry's hand for reassurance. Harry didn't protest against it, he liked it...

The chit-chat was useless so they just walked out of the bar. But the night would be ruined by the view they would be presented with outside.

"How lovely!"-The guy on the black pelerine said. His forearm where uncufed  and a black mark was shining.-"So bad i will be ruining this romance Potter! But I need something that you have!"

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