A Kook & A Pogue • Topper

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Y/n's P.O.V

The group decided it was time to throw a kegger since we haven't had one in a while. JJ and John B we're carrying the kegger while Kie, Pope, and I were bringing the cups.

"Thanks for the help guys" JJ said wiping his hand across his forehead. "Oh but of course" I said smiling as I put the cups down in an exaggerated way.

The party soon began to fill up with tourists, kooks, and people from the cut. "Y/n your turn on keg duty" Pope says handing me the cups. I nod as he walks away.

"Hey how it going?" Kie says walking towards me. "Good good, are you drunk already" I laughed. "no no no" she slurs. She soon leaves and decides to go dance.

I continued to pour drinks for everyone making sure I pour the right amount for each group. Once I joined the pogues they taught me a bunch of rules they had. For example, no pogue on pogue macking.

That rule was never really a problem for me since I never found myself attracted to the other four, of course JJ would flirt here and there but he did that to any girl who had a pulse.

Another rule was for keggers, if a tourist comes fill their cup half way, pogue fill up mostly to the top and for a kook half of a half. I'm not surprised, the kooks and pogues had a huge rivalry against eachother.

To me well, I didn't really care. I was nice to anyone who was nice to me and that was all there is to it. One kook who I hated with a passion was Sarah Cameron and I wasn't the only one Kie didn't like her either due to prior friendships.

My reason was completely different. She had what I wanted. Parents. A boyfriend. Family. Money. And anything she wanted. She was the kook queen. Although, I always found myself staring at her boyfriend, Topper.

I tried to convince myself it was only because I wanted what Sarah had but I could never wrap my head around it. As I was in my thoughts I hear a familiar voice call me.

"Refill?" it was none other than Topper. I just nodded and filled his cup to the usual amount. He smiled and walked away. I saw his tone body leave as his muscles flexed.

He met his friends and kissed Sarah and put an arm around her. I flinched. But I didn't know why. "John B you're up" I tell him after a good 45 minutes. I filled my cup and decided to sit down my a tree.

"Hey what's up" Rafe says sitting by me. Rafe was one of the few kooks I actually liked. Not because of his habits but because he was the nicest to me. It wasn't weird that we talked every once in a while.

"Hey" I said softly take a sip from my beer. "what's up with you" he laughed. "Nothing" I tell him. "Mhm" he mumbles not believing me. He nods in a way to tell me to talk.

"I don't know....I hate your sister sorry not sorry" I tell him. "Don't worry so do I" he said chuckling. "Because of Topper right?" He sips his drink. I turn to him quickly, "how did you know?" I ask.

"It's pretty obvious we'll at least to me" he said as he ruffled his hair. "I say shoot your shot" he pointed in Toppers direction. "Are you psycho, he is dating your sister" I shake my head.

"Not for long" he stands up and walks away. I wonder what he meant by that. I decided I was gonna head home. My head was killing me. Alcohol and feelings wasn't a good mixture.

I gave one last glance at him and walked away.

I couldn't sleep that night at all. I was too busy thinking about what Rafe meant by "Not for long". I never realized I really liked Topper until Rafe pointed it out.

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