New Girl • John B

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Y/n's P.O.V

I was new in town. I moved in last week from Texas. So far a group of friends had caught my eye. They consisted of two girls and three boys.

One boy especially. Locals told me his name was John B. I wanted him. Although, sadly he had a girlfriend who was also in the group. Her name was no mystery considering she was in one of the richest families here.

Sarah Cameron. I had no reason to dislike her besides the fact that she was with John B. "Hey y/n wanna come to the beach with me" My sister tells me snapping me out of my thoughts.

" Yeah sure" I said giving her a smile. Once we got there, we saw a bunch of teenagers drinking and having fun. We decided to skip swimming and see what the party was all about.

I asked for a drink without looking who was handling the kegger. I turned and my eyes widen to see John B. He hands me a cup. "Thanks" I mumble. "No problem y/n" he tells me.

"You know my name" I said raising my eyebrows. "Of course who doesn't" he says laughing. "Interesting" I respond and just as he was about to say something I leave.

Boys like to play games so why not give him one. If I wanted him to break up with her I had to play my cards right.

I decided to talk to another girl in the group. Kiara. "Hi" I say tapping her shoulder. "Oh hey y/n, right?" She asking smiling. I nod smiling taking a sip of my drink.

"Like the party?" she asks looking around. "Yeah im having fun" I tell her. "As you should" she laughs. "Well since you're new here from what I heard, you should come over we are having an after party at our friends John B's house. We can get to know eachother" She says shooting me a toothy grin.

"Sounds fun, I'll be there" I say smiling back as I walk away. Nice. I was jumping down excitedly in my head. I was happy I might have some friends here.

Soon the party was dying down and I see Kiara walking towards me with a blonde boy.

"Hey, this is JJ" she introduces me. "Hi" I say to both of them. "Y/n Y/l/n" JJ says smirking. "Does everybody know me here?" I say shaking my head with a laugh.

"Pretty sure you're the hot new girl" JJ answer sipping his beer. "JJ" Kiara scolds him. "It's alright, thanks for the compliment" I say winking towards him.

He nods and looks over at the party. "Well we are about to head back so if you still wanna join us that would be amazing" Kiara says. "Of course" I tell her and she guides me to a van where a few teenagers are already sat.

"Hey I'm y/n" I tell them as I sit down next to JJ.
"Pope" "Sarah" I hear them speak.

We arrive at a small house like cabin and we all get off. I see them walk to a porch and sit down so I follow them.

"So y/n tell us about yourself" Pope said. "Well there isn't much to say, I moved here from Texas and I live in between the cut and figure 8" I tell them.

"Any special boy in your life?" JJ asks. Kie scolds him yet again. "Not at the moment" I say quickly glancing at John B.

We talked for a few more hours. I looked at my phone to see that it was already 2 in the morning. "I think i'm gonna head out it's really late" I tell them standing up. "I'll walk you" I hear John B say. I just nod and get my stuff.

As we started walking I ask him. "Wouldn't Sarah get mad at you for walking me" I ask looking at him. "Why, is there something for her to be mad about" He says.

I shake my head no as we keep walking. "You know Y/n you seem like a really cool person and I can tell the group can't wait to get to know you more" He says smiling.

"I can't wait to get to know you- I mean the group more" I say nervously. "Me too" he says laughing.

"Well this is me" I say stopping in front of a house. I turned to him and looked up at him. I was a little bit shorter than him so he looked down.

"You know your eyes look really pretty when the moon is shining on them" As the words left his mouth I could feel the heat creeping up on my cheeks.

"Thank you" I smile. "You better get going, you don't want your girlfriend worrying about you" I tell him winking. "Right" he nods confused as if he forgot about her.

"Bye thanks for tonight" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek before leaving inside my house.

Once I got in I slid down the door happy with what today had become.

John B's P.O.V

I found myself staring a bit too long at the door that had just closed. My thoughts were going insane. I can't think like this I have Sarah. I rub my head and give one last look at Y/n's door.

Somethings there. I just can't put my finger on it just yet. And with that I walked away.

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