Fantasy • JJ

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1347 word count

Y/n P.O.V

As I walked in the smell of alcohol and drugs instantly filled my nose. "Hey baby" I heard Rafe drunkly slur. I roll my eyes at the sight of my boyfriend.

Rafe and I had been dating for a month but I already wasn't feeling it. We had just gotten here and he was already drunk. "I want to have fun tonight I'm not dealing with him" I tell Sarah as I walk away from him.

I go over to the bar and fill up my cup with a fruity alcohol drink. I didn't want to get wasted tonight but I wanted to have fun.

Every party that I have been to this month I've had to take care of Rafe, and I hated it. I take a sip of my drink as I scan the room. I see a few kooks and pogues just partying and having fun.

The music was blasting so loud that it blocked out my thoughts. I went to go find Rafe to make sure he didn't die.

As i'm looking through the crowd I see him dancing with a blonde chick who was basically fucking him.

I roll my eyes at the sight. This wasn't the first time Rafe has done this. Whenever he wakes up in the morning his excuse is always that he was just drunk. I was over it.

I try to block him out as I head to the middle of the floor to dance.

*play the song*

The song switched and I heard Fantasy by Bazzi begin to play.
I sway my hips to the music, letting the rhythm move me.

It wasn't too long before I felt a pair of hands make their way to my waist. I turn a bit to see a boy i've never seen before.

I shrug and move my hips with his. I throw my hands back as they cling onto his neck. I feel his hot breath making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

I closed my eyes letting the moment sink in. His hands began to grip tighter than before making my skin shiver.

I turned around now facing him as I guided my hands up his chest and into his hair. I slightly tugged it back biting my lip.

He smiled turning me around quickly pressing his body against him till their wasn't a part of my body that wasn't next to his.

Something in my mind snapped and I realized what I was doing. I ran away from him quickly and upstairs to the bathroom. I closed it as I ran my hands through my hair.

I was still dating Rafe! I wasn't drunk either! I'm not a cheater. But I liked it...a lot. Wait what the hell am I thinking.

I could hear the music muffled as I looked at myself through the mirror. I soon heard two soft knocks on the door.

"Yes?" I asked. "Can I come in?" I heard a rough yet soft voice ask. I guess it was the boy I was dancing with. His voice was hot. Omg y/n stop, you have a boyfriend.

"uhm you're gonna come in no matter what I say so sure" I say opening it slowly. I'm met with his perfect figure leaning against the door frame.

His hair was messy and his skin glistened with sweat that was probably from both our bodies.

He walked in and closed the door.

He walked towards me as I stepped back. He kept walking until I was pushed up against the wall.

He moved his head and whispered in my ear, "why'd you leave so soon sweetheart". The sound of his voice making me shake under his touch.

"I- uhm I have a boyfriend" I said stuttering as I looked down. He smiled and chuckled lightly.

He lifted my chin with a single finger and looked into my eyes. "Look me in my eyes and tell me you didn't feel anything over there and I'll leave" he whispered.

I felt his hand snake around my waist as I closed my eyes. "I don't know" "Maybe I could make the decision a bit more clearer babe" he said as he crashed his lips on mine.

I couldn't help it. Our lips moved in sync, as if they were molded perfectly for eachother. I pull away looking into his eyes.

"I didn't feel anything over there" I said softly. "You know" he responded pulling away from me. "You're a bad liar princess" and with that he walked out the door leaving me speechless.

"holy shit" I whispered as I collected myself and walked out. I no longer had the will power to be at this party. So I simply left.


"Morning idiot" I'm woken up to an advil bottle being thrown at my head. "Ow you bitch" I said rubbing my head as I sit up grabbing the bottle swallowing two pills as Sarah handed me a cup with water.

"I don't remember you coming home with me?" I said placing the items on my night side table.

"Oh I didn't." She winked as she got under the covers next to me. "So what happened last night?" she asked.

"I cheated on your brother" I blurted out quickly covering my mouth. "Damn" she says laughing.

"It's not funny what do I do?" I whine using the blankets to cover my face. "It was a matter of time  y/n. You and Rafe aren't meant for eachother. Just break up with him" She tells me removing the blanket off my face.


"Hey" I said walking into the boys room. "Oh hey babe sorry about last night I was drunk" he said flashing me a bright smile.

Usually this was the part where I would forgive him but not today.

"Rafe I want to break up with you" I said gaining his attention. "You what?" he asked. "I don't want to be with you anymore" I told him walking out.

"Y/n! no what? You know what I don't need you! Never did!" He yells as I leave.

I walked out of his house smiling. The smile soon faded when I realized I probably won't get to see the boy ever again.

I didn't even know his name.

I decided to go to the beach. It was around 7 so the sun was starting to set. I sat on the soft sand, balancing on my hands.

"Ugh I want to see him again" I said to no one in particular as I watched the waves crash in front of me.

"I need to see him again" I groaned. "But I'm never gonna see him again" I said tossing my head back and closing my eyes.

"Don't be so sure sweetheart" I heard the same raspy voice from behind me. "holy shit" I said jumping a little bit as I turned around.

He walked over and sat down next to me.

"Sounds like someone missed me" he said smirking turning in my direction. "You wish" I said rolling my eyes. "Oh yeah! I need to see him again...ughhh" he said mocking me.

I giggled as I turned to the pure blue waters that seemed to last forever. "I broke up with my boyfriend" I said out of the blue. He turned quickly but I kept my gaze straight.

"For me? I feel honored" "Don't flatter yourself blondie. Wasn't working out anyways" I replied.

"You know I didn't catch your name" he says as I turn facing him. "Y/n" I smiled lightly. "JJ" he said.

I swear just for a second I got lost in his eyes that seemed to recreate endless blue pools. JJ. I could get used to that.

"I think you should kiss me" he says leaning closer. "I don't think so" I tell him smirking. "Oh you're a bad liar princess" he says leaning in and connecting our lips.

Awww I liked this one I thought it was cute! Give me feedback! Love y'all bye🤍

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