Girls Day • Kiara

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"It's not for you to eat it's for your eyes idiot " - Y/n

Y/n's P.O.V

"I'm going to die of heat" I said fanning myself with my hand.

I loved the weather the Outer Banks has but today was more hot than usual and I was dying.

"So am I" JJ groaned as wiped the sweat off his forehead. "Why are we outside anyways?" Pope said annoyed trying to create shade.

"Cause there is nothing to do" Kiara said bored.

"Can we at least go inside" I asked the group as they all nodded eagerly as we stood up walking back inside.

I smiled as I felt the cool fresh air conditioning system hit my face. "I know what we should do" Kiara squealed.

"And what's that?" John B asked. "We should have a girl's day!" she said excitedly.

"Kie I don't know if you forgot but we are boys" JJ stated. "I know but wouldn't it be fun to put on face masks and paint our nails" She asked.

"It does sound fun" I agreed with my her.

"Fine but I'm not painting my nails" JJ said crossing his arms.


Not even five minutes later guess what we were doing. Painting JJ's nails. What can I say, girl's have a way of persuasion. ;)

"All done" I told him blowing on his hands lightly.

"Omg John B we are matching!" JJ said sarcastically as they both squealed like little girls.

Kiara and I automatically looked at each other rolling our eyes with a giggle.

"Here" I said walking over to John B and placing cucumber slices on his eyes. He quickly grabbed it and plopped it into his mouth eating it.

"It's not for you to eat it's for your eyes idiot" I told the boy hitting his head.

"Babe come lets put face masks" I heard Kiara call out to me.

I ran over to her sitting down. "Here you can do the chocolate one and I'll do the mint one" she said smiling handing me the mixture.

"There's chocolate!" JJ yelled. "You can't eat it" Kiara yelled back laughing.

My heart warmed up at the thought of making her happy. She was clearly having fun and I never wanted the happiness on her face to disappear.

Being friends with the boys we never really got to do girly things like this.

Today was an exception though. You could even tell the boys were having fun but they were trying to hide it.

She turned to me applying the face mask with a brush. I stared at her as she concentrated on applying it on my face.

"You look adorable when you're concentrating" I told her. I saw her cheeks heat up as she mumbled a quick thank you.

"You're turn" I said grabbing the second mixture and taking a brush lightly painting it on her face.

Once I was done I put it down on the table. We turned to each other and instantly laughed at how weird we looked with the masks on.

She moved closer to me intertwining her hand with mine. I gave her a small grin as she started leaning forward. I connected my lips with her.

Midway I felt her smile against my lips making me giggle.

We pulled away standing up to walk back with the boys.

"Uhm Kiara why do you have brown on your green face mask and y/n why do you have green on yours" John B said raising an eyebrow.

We both looked at each other noticing the different colors on our face masks the resulted from our small make out session.

We laughed turning back to the boys.

"Ohhhhhh" John B said after he realized why they were messed up instantly cringing at the thought.

"Ewwww" he said making us all laugh.

This was a shorter one! Love y'all, we hit 50k omg!!!🤍

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