Chapter 9: Admissions and Amazons

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After quick introductions, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were brought up to speed. "So... you're demigods? Children of the gods? And you all are from another universe? And the gods are real?" Hermione said, almost inaudible.

"Yes, that's right," Annabeth said.

"Blimey," Hermione said as they all sat back down ready to continue reading.


Annabeth grinned at Percy, "I see you didn't forget me after all. I guess you did miss me didn't you?"

"So in this version, you are evil?" Ron asked.

"Unfortunately," Annabeth said with a frown.

"Wicked. I mean, that's unfortunate," Ron said.

"Don't be so shallow, Ron," Hermione hissed. "It's clearly a sensitive topic."

"Sorry," Ron mumbled.

"Your return to the world is going to be short lived Annabeth." Percy hissed.

Annabeth narrowed her eyes for a minute before she looked around at the people accompanying Percy. She began laughing loudly.

" you really are pathetic aren't you? You joined the hunt after you found out I never loved you." Annabeth mocked as she tried to control her laughter.

Annabeth winced at those words. She couldn't believe how much of a bitch this version of her was, especially to her boyfriend. Hell, she wasn't even this way towards Rachel, well at least not anymore.

Percy winced despite how hard he tried not to.

"Where's you little lover Annabeth? I guess I didn't fail completely if he isn't by your side." Percy retorted.

Annabeth's eyes flashed with anger, "Don't worry Percy, he will be with me shortly. Together we will help our new mistress destroy you and those pathetic Olympians once and for all." Annabeth snapped.

"Wait who is her mistress?" Harry asked.

"Gaia, I think," Hermione said.

"A guy?" Ron asked.

"No, Ron, no," Hermione said, shaking her head.

"The titan goddess of the Earth, basically a really powerful being that can control every inch of this planet," Annabeth said.

"Oh," Ron and Harry said.

Percy narrowed his eyes, "You know you can't defeat me Annabeth. You never had any real power. You relied on your brain which was never half as smart as you claimed it to be."

"Come on Percy, beat her up," Annabeth said.

Others cheered alongside for Perseus alongside Annabeth, especially Artemis, Poseidon, Thalia, Ares, and Athena.

Annabeth smirked. Two earthen hands rose from the ground and tried to grab Percy.

"No!" Annabeth yelled, gripping Percy's hand tightly who winced at the firm grip.

The first was blasted apart by a massive bolt of lightning. The other exploded when a blur of silver appeared in its place.

The room filled with cheers, and Annabeth's grip loosened.

"Well, well, well. Looks like you and Thalia are still close. And it looks like you've gained a friend in that pathetic maiden goddess." Annabeth growled as Thalia and Artemis appeared at Percy's side.

Artemis laced her fingers in between Perseus's.

Thalia stood glaring at one of her former best friends murderously while Artemis mirrored her expression on the other side of Percy.

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