12 - Old quaint tastes

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Celia insisted Mia and Taylor, the foundation administrator, dress at her house. Mia complained to Taylor. "Three hours to get dressed, that's ridiculous."

Taylor laughed as if Mia was a funny child. Unlike Mia, she was connected to Celia's society crowd. Mia learned dressing included a hairstylist and makeup expert. It confused her, because it was just a dinner and Celia had never offered Mia any help to get ready for the foundation's hallmark event. Thankfully Sage always helped Mia, so she didn't look like the imposter she was.

When Celia's people finished, Mia had to concede she looked good, even pretty. Celia breezed in and gasped. "You're gorgeous, Mia dear. I just saw Taylor, and she looks wonderful, as well."

Mia blushed. She felt out of her league as she always did surrounded by Celia's friends. When she descended the stairs, she scanned the crowd and saw about a dozen unfamiliar faces. She jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to find Bea smiling at her. As always, she was dressed in bright colors. Bea Petersen stood out in every room.

"Mia, you are as beautiful as ever. If my daughter ever graces me with a granddaughter, I hope she'll look like her aunt."

Mia smiled. "That's too kind. I'll dote on her even if she looks like my brother."

She and Aidan had similar coloring. Brenna looked unique with her dark hair. Mia was always jealous of her sister's beauty. Aidan and Brenna shared their eye color with their father.

"Do you have any insight? They've been together for over six years."

"I heard him tell my father he'd like to relocate to Boston."

"Well, wouldn't that be a win-win?" Bea smiled.

Mia nodded and watched as another guest pulled Bea away. She smiled when she heard Bea. "She's family." At least Bea treated her like she was good enough.

Feeling uncomfortable, Mia sipped a glass of wine. She hoped having a glass in her hand would occupy her. Celia came by and introduced her to a gentleman who had financial questions about the foundation. She relaxed as she spoke to him. During quite a lengthy conversation, others joined them.  She looked up and saw Edward Calhoun.

Their eyes met briefly, but as typical she was unable to read his expression. He slowly made his way across the room and she expected him to greet her, but his attention turned to one of the gentlemen she had been speaking with.

"Hello Dad."

Mia turned to see the same gray-blue eyes on a distinguished gray-haired gentleman. She felt foolish she missed their resemblance.

"Ted, there you are. We've been having an interesting discussion with this young woman. She's quite impressive." The senior Edward looked toward her.

"Ah, Ms. Reilly, are you giving investment advice?"

Mia hid her smirk. "On the contrary, Mr. Calhoun, I was discussing the management of foundation funds."

"You know each other?" Senior asked.

"Ms. Reilly is Aidan's sister."

Bea overheard. "Mia is family. She and Sage are as close as sisters. Celia speaks highly of her work for the foundation."

Mia was uncomfortable with all the attention. Every time, she looked at Ted, he looked at her with his thin lipped expression. She was certain she had said something to earn his disapproval, although it was impossible to read his facial expressions. Her family loved card games, but she wouldn't want to play poker with Edward Calhoun.

Calhoun Senior nodded and pulled Ted aside. When she glimpsed at father and son deep in conversation, she hoped it was about business and not her. She slowly migrated close enough to hear Ted. "Sometimes there are responsibilities beyond profits. Paul has no complaints." She walked away before Ted saw her listening.

She stood in a corner admiring Celia's art collection. She liked being invisible. One of the men, she had spoken to earlier came to stand beside her.

"So you crunch the numbers."

"I do, Mister..." She hadn't been introduced.

"Leonard. Walter Leonard." He said it with a smirk, as if it should impress her.

Impressed was an understatement. Leonard owned a large conglomerate which made Whitby Enterprises look small.

He leaned in close, breathing his liquor breath on her. She could stomach it, but his eyes were not focused on her face or her feet. They scanned up and down everything in between. She needed an excuse to move and thankfully she heard a voice announce dinner.

The extremely large table was set perfectly. Celia seated Mia next to Monty. She was glad Leonard was at the other end of the table. Taylor sat across from her and Ted across from Monty. Celia was right to put Ted and Taylor together. Obviously, they were cut from the same expensive cloth.

Taylor seemed as interested in winning Ted's attention as Monty was in winning Mia's. Ted who normally masked his thoughts struggled to keep a smirk off his face while watching Monty in action. Determined to ignore both Monty and Taylor who was practically drooling on the arm of Ted's impeccably tailored suit, she engaged him in conversation.

"Mr. Calhoun, what exactly does your company build?"

"Ted, please. Ms. Reilly, my company builds residential properties unlike my father's business which builds large commercial and government buildings."

"It's Mia. You have your own company? I assumed you worked for your father."

Taylor interrupted. "Mia, why would you assume anything about Ted's business dealings?"

"I only know what I've read about the foundation's generous benefactor."

"I assure you most of what you read or hear about me is untrue."

Taylor who must have heard rumors commented. "Elaine's distraught over your separation."

Ted ignored her. "Ms. Mia had asked about my work. I am particularly partial to my current project which is the renovation of an old mill building into condominiums. I feel strongly the repurposing of old, unused buildings will be a profitable venture for my company. In fact, my first venture has proven successful."

Mia smiled. Could he mean the Victorian? Did he consider it to be successful? She toyed with him. "My apartment is in a completely renovated old home. It's filled with wonderful character and craftsmanship."

Taylor said, "I'm sure Ted prefers modern architecture to your old quaint tastes."

Ted stared at Mia intently as if warning her not to take her bait. "Monty, how's business?"

Mia smiled, because the last she heard Monty wasn't involved in business.

"Boring. You know me, Ted. I'm not one for the whole nine to five."

Ted laughed. Mia felt his laugh go through her. "I have never worked nine to five. I'm in the wrong business."

He went to work early and returned late. Perhaps it was his work hours that ruined his marriage. Was Taylor right about his wife? Did she want him back? Mia was confident wherever his wife lived, it was superior to the Victorian. If Ted went back to her, she would have a new neighbor. She couldn't decide if she liked him or not but was sad at the thought of him moving.

Looking down at her plate, she found it difficult not to stare at him in his suit. The man was gorgeous, although she liked his hair messy with the one piece falling out of place. His straight nose looked almost as perfect as her father's patients when he finished with them, but there had been no surgery on his face. He was busy talking to Monty about people they knew.  Mia didn't pay attention to what they said. When she glanced up, he was laughing. A genuine laugh and Mia quickly looked away from the dimples formed on his cheeks.

She knew she blushed when Ted winked at her from across the table. Maybe the man from the fountain existed.

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