21 - Our Teddy

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When Aidan announced he had a new position in Boston, Mia was excited for him and Sage to come home. She also hoped it meant a baby. Bea planned a welcome home party for them with all their closest friends.

"You know I hate fancy parties. It's bad enough the ball is coming up." Mia complained to Sage.

"This will be different. It will just be friends, and you know, I only have nice friends."

"No, Taylor?"

"No, Taylor and absolutely no Elaine Calhoun or Walter Leonard."

"Oh, thank God! The woman hates me."

"You can even borrow a dress. It will be fun."

Sage was so excited Mia would have to make the most of it. She secretly hoped she could spar with Edward.

The day of the party, Mia spent the better part of the afternoon being pampered with Sage and Brenna.

"Just think Mia, we get to do this all over again for the foundation's ball."

Mia dreaded that night because the guests would not all be friends.

When the party started Sage was with Aidan greeting guests. Brenna had Noah and Mia felt out of place. She sat down in a corner hoping to be invisible.

After a while a young woman approached. "If you're trying to be invisible, you're far too beautiful. Here."

She held out a glass of champagne which Mia accepted. She sat down next to her. "I hate coming to these without a date." Mia nodded. "I only date for fun, but he's in Newport for the weekend. Truth is, I was in love in high school and I haven't been since."

"Sorry." Mia didn't know what to make of her. She was younger and beautiful with bright blue eyes. The wealthy must have a monopoly on blue eyes.

Her companion continued to talk as Mia listened. She stopped mid-sentence and announced in a loud voice. "Here comes mister cold and calculated."

Mia looked and saw Edward approaching with his emotionless face and a beautiful tall, chestnut hair, blue eyed woman on his arm. She instantly felt jealous.

Edward said, "I heard you. Why must you always insult me?"

"Teddy, ignore her. She's goading you. It's a game for her. We all know she worships you," said the woman on his arm.

Mia listened and wondered if she was the Victoria, he spoke to on his phone.

Mia's companion laughed. "I did until I found out he wasn't perfect."

The other woman looked amused. "And when was that?"

"The day he agreed to marry the bah... witch."

The other woman laughed. "Ha, she's got you there."

Edward said, "Tori, you still look up to me. Don't lie."

Mia hid her shock, because she had been talking to Victoria.

"That's because she's so short."

"Sloane, you're not even funny."

Edward scolded them. "Will you two stop! Poor Ms. Reilly doesn't need to hear our sibling bickering."


Victoria laughed. "This pompous, boring man is my brother, but apparently you know him."

"I've met Mr. Calhoun. I have my share of sibling drama. Aidan is my brother and my sister Brenna is the beautiful one. She's over there with her equally handsome husband. Then there's me, the youngest."

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