17 - Her date

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On Friday afternoon, Ted received a call from his mother. "Don't forget you're expected at Alicia's tomorrow night."

He had forgotten he had promised his mother he would attend a birthday party for her dear friend, Alicia Sumner. Unfortunately, he needed a babysitter. He had just returned to his offices after being a guest reader at pre-K where his little champ was the star of the week. He loved his son, but he did not like being surrounded by twelve eager four-year-olds. He was certain his suit was sticky. Elaine would have been irate, if he showed up at the exclusive country day school in work clothes. It was bad enough she had accused him of manipulating Edward because he chose Daddy as his special guest. Ted suspected the nanny would have been his next choice and Miz-Ily third, because Elaine rarely had time to read to their son. Why did the thought of Mia and his son leave him with an odd feeling deep within?

He had to find a babysitter and wondered if Mrs. Rodriguez was available. He'd have to wait until she left work for the day to call her. Ted spoke to her regularly for updates on his son's wellbeing, as she knew him best. He talk to the housekeeper, too. The staff was loyal to him, because he compensated them well, and he was a fair man where Elaine could be unpredictable. He needed eyes within her home, especially until they resolved the custody issue.

Ted would much rather stay home and read stories, and if they were lucky, eat cookies. He had been trying to work with the crew every morning because he needed the exercise. It was more fun than a gym workout and he needed to work off those cookies. He was so distracted when he arrived home, he almost walked into Mia.

"Excuse me." .She had an amused expression on her face.

"Sorry, I was distracted."

"You look more serious than usual."

"Was that an insult?" He never knew if she was mocking him, especially when he wore a suit.

She didn't answer his question. "Is the cookie monster coming for the weekend?"

"Yes, but I forgot I promised my mother I'd attend a party. Now, I need to find a babysitter."

"I like her, your mother. I can watch him for you."

"You wouldn't mind?" She caught him by surprise.

"He's not teething is he?"

Ted knew she was joking and laughed. "No, he shouldn't cry all night."

"He can hang out with me and then I can put him to bed and stay with him until you get home. Unless you prefer him to sleep in my spare room?"

She had only been in his apartment a few times and had offered him his privacy. She respected and concealed his privacy, as well as his best paid staff, not that he thought she was an employee.

"He'd sleep better in his room. You really don't mind?"

"I'd love it. He's a great kid."

The night of the party, Ted buttoned his stratched, white shirt and fished through the box on his dresser for cufflinks.


With two matching cufflinks in hand, he turned toward his son.

"You go. I play with Miz-ily."

Ted stood without pants on. "Daddy is getting dressed to go out then I'll take you to see her. Don't eat too many cookies."

"I love cookies."

"You are a cookie monster!" Ted laughed.

"CM!" Little Edward laughed, too.

Ted had hired a car and as he left, Mia and his little champ waved. "Have fun Mr. Calhoun."

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