Food and Clothes

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Hours went past, with little conversation sparking between the wolf and the rabbit. Riza was still asleep in her seat, whilst Rez and Tameen just watched the darkness of space outside their window, looking at the stars glimmering off in the unreachable.
The two only listened to the industrial hum of the ship's engines and muffled talk between the soldiers walking past, as the soldier outside their door had fallen asleep in their chair.
Rez was dozing off, nearly hitting his chin on the side of the window as his head slipped off his palm, until his eyes spotted something bright that he didn't notice until now.
He squinted and leaned close to the glass, watching its orange and red glow get closer and closer.
He looked over to Tameen and saw that she was busy playing with her large, soft ears. He smiled at the sight, but sat up and gently tapped her knee "Hey, Tameen. I think we're nearly there" he said with a calm and gentle tone.
He gestured over to the window, and sat beside her "That's Jupiter. I heard one of the people walking around mention it" he explained, gesturing to the door.

The door had stayed open the whole time, likely to keep them calm and to not give them the feeling of being trapped like they were before.
Soldiers did check up on them, offering them drinks and snacks on the ride to where they were going.
Both of them were famished, so anything that they were given quickly vanished into their empty bellies.

Tameen looked to him, then to the glowing marble that was approaching "It looks pretty" she said with such innocence, it almost made Rez's heart ache. 
But the wolf just nodded and agreed "It is... I learned about it in school. It's the biggest planet in our solar system. And it's completely made of gas"

The bunny looked to him, confused "So we can't walk on it?" she sounded upset "I wanted to walk on all the pretty colours" she pouted, which made Rez let out a small internal laugh.

He nodded "No, we can't walk on it... Sorry" he attempted to make her feel better with a head rub, but she only pouted more.

But before they could say anything else, there was a knock on the door frame.
The two spun their heads around to see who was there, and of course it was another one of the soldiers in white armor, but behind them was a cart of food

The soldier took off their helmet, and long blonde hair flowed down. A pretty lady with gorgeous green eyes looked at them "Hey there guys, do you want any hot meals and drinks before we get back to base?" she smiled a genuine smile, and brought the cart closer to the door as she knelt down.
"We've got..." she shuffled through some plastic containers "We have some pork with gravy and carrots. Yummy" Tameen seemed interested in that. But the woman continued "...Hmmmm, we have some juicy chicken and mashed potatoes. Ooh, this looks nice. Salmon with roasted potatoes"
Rez's ears perked up at the salmon, his favourite thing to eat.

They had never gotten a hot meal during their time at the facility. It was always cold. A cold, sloppy mess that was shoved in a metal bowl and handed to him. Sometimes it was rotten, sometimes it was raw. He supposed it was just whatever they had on hand. The best meal he ever got at all during his time was when an almost full bowl of fresh chicken was put there. It was completely raw, but his stomach seemed to have steeled up.

The two made their choices, and were soon feasting on a well sized portion of hot, steamy food. For the first time in a very long time. 
It was gone in moments, which the woman chuckled at the sight, then seemed to grimace at the thought of what they had to eat before now.
She cleared her throat and stood up "Well, we'll be home soon, and you can have some freshly cooked food" she said, turning and pushing the trolley of food along, its wheels clicking against the metal floor.

Rez wiped his face of pieces of salmon as he looked over to Tameen, who was licking the bottom of her tub. 
He tilted his head and asked "What do you think they have to eat? Wherever it is we're actually going"

She looked up, and shrugged "I dunno, but if it's like this, I'll be happy" she said, putting the empty tub beside her. 
Rez thought for a moment and then nodded in agreement, so far the people who took them out of the underground facility definitely seemed much nicer.

The two would be waiting for a little while longer, Tameen fell asleep and laid across her seat, and Rez watched as Jupiter got closer and closer. It wasn't much longer after that that he heard people in the halls talking about getting ready to get off the ship.

Looking over to the brown haired rabbit girl, he gently shook her shoulder to stir her from her nap. Her bright green eyes fluttered open and she gave him a tired look.
"I think we're about to land" he said, gesturing to the planet that was now taking up almost all of their window. 
Tameen sat up and stretched her legs, lookinig over to the door when a man in a white uniform came in and crouched down, looking over a small checklist, before looking to the three "OKay... I need you two to come with me" he said, pointing at the two conscious kids "We're gonna get you ready to join your new home. And don't worry there" he looked over to Rez specifically"She'll be alright. Our people will make sure she's top notch before she'll join you both aboard our home" he said, patting them both on the head, and gesturing for the two to follow. 

Not wanting to annoy the nice man, the two followed him through metal halls and industrial looking corridors, until they came to a room which had a cubicle and a curtain. He opened a small cupboard and took out two folded sets of clothes.
They were extremely soft and comfortable, both of them a deep navy blue colour with orange circles around its  sleeves
The man smiled at the two "These are really nice, it's better than what you're wearing now" he spoke, looking at their rags "And they help us identify you, makes it easier"

The two looked at one another and got behind the curtain, changing out of their rags and into their new comfy blue jumpsuits.

The man looked like he was about to say something, but a loud mechanical beep sounded off three times. It made him flinch at its suddenness, but he just chuckled "Alright. We're docking to the Forge right now"  he walked towards the door, then turned to face them 
"You'll love it here"

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