A message from the actual Mochi

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🐼 <----- this is me.

I'm Mochi.

Contrary to what The History of Le Panda Day states, I am NOT le panda profile picture. We are COMPLETELY different people- err... beings. I'm from Grace's Everyday Randomness and Positivity book (go check that out!). So, please don't get us mixed up!

Thank you. 😊


Ok, so while I'm here, why don't I say 10 fun facts about myself?

1. I'm a panda.
2. I'm an emoji.
4. I'm adorable.
5. And for some reason pretty much everyone loves me.
6. You just realized I skipped fact 3.
7. You just checked, and smiled.
9. You're laughing because an emoji made you do this.
10. I think you are all fantastic.
11. #lepandadayforever
12. I skipped fact 8.
13. You checked, and are smiling because you fell for it twice.
14. This was only supposed to be 10 facts.

...I was bored, okay?
It's not easy just sitting around waiting to be used.
Sometimes I type myself out just to make myself feel better:


🐼🐼— oh. I have to go now.

Come on! 🙄

Just when if was getting fun 😠


Maybe I'll catch you wonderful people later?

Mochi out! Love you guys so much! 😘

Stay le panda!

A Message from MochiWhere stories live. Discover now