Chapter 11

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Faustino Point of View

If innocence were a person then it is obviously little Fae. I'm pretty sure there is no one as innocent as her in this universe.

Silly girl! She is asking me to steal my own documents for the enemy and she doesn't even know what she is doing.

No problem though; If Sergio needs the secret files, then I will give them to him myself. Let's see who will have the fun by the end of the game.

"When did you meet the man Sergio?" I asked her as softly as ever giving her a bright smile of my own.

People yearned for a single twitch of my lips and here I'm giving a bright one to the amazing girl in my arms and she doesn't even know that she has me at her mercy.

"After my ice cream date with Oldie." My throat constricted the intake of the steaming coffee and led me to cough violently after hearing it.

An ice cream date?

With Padre?

Padre and little Fae?

When did that happen? And how?

"You went on an ice cream date with him?" I gasped looking at the small woman while wondering what more secret abilities she might have.

She actually managed take Padre for an ice cream?

And here I say again 'That is my girl and she the only one who can handle me and the who family'.

"Ah, the other day after the acupuncture practical exam, Oldie and I went on an ice cream date right after you left us there on some important work." She actually took Padre for an ice cream?

How is she so capable?

"He readily came with you? Without fussing?" That is not possible. Padre is king of fussing!

He fusses a lot so the thing that he went out for ice cream with little Fae clearly got my interest.

"He was sulking about being painfully punctured on the skin even after explaining to him that it was meant to keep him healthy. I couldn't take his sad pouty face; I felt sorry for him. He looked like a little child who is denied to pee and poop so to cheer him up; I ran away with him from the guards and took him to have some ice cream." She narrated as if it is nothing unusual.

She tricked the guards, managed to pull the ex-mafia leader on a run with her and she is narrating it as if it is just a daily routine for her.

I wonder where her stupendousness stops. Does it even have an end?

My little Fae, who is beautiful and innocent always surprises me with something new every time.

"We went to the food market and had all kind of food. You know what Alcohol, Oldie is allergic to soya so I helped him get rid of the allergy too." She said proudly which made me smile back at her.

I am smiling but I sis not dare ask her how she managed to suppress the decades old allergy. My girl can do anything and she can make even the impossible into something easily possible.

"And Sergio approached you after the food market visit, yes?" I probed getting intrigued by the story.

Now that I think about it, what made Sergio approach little Fae for his spy?

"Yes, few days later when I was I went on social welfare activity of keeping our surrounding clean, I found him there a little dirty so I had to dump him in the nearby water tank to wash him." Goodness!

Her eyes fluttered naively at me but goodness she has a devil side to her that even she don't know.

She dumped one of the most cruel crime person in a water tank?

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