Chapter 22

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Miguel (Oldie) Point of View

"Is this some kind of year end collaboration?" I sneered as looked on either side at the people who sat beside me.

Banshee girl grinned as she turned another page and so did we. I don't know what madness is it.

What the hell is going on here? Why should we go to this length?

On one hand, I and my rival Sergio and Ivan are having severe headache with the ongoing madness while my own activated sperm is enjoying it too much with banshee.

F**king hell! This is so awkward.

To sit beside my rival and do something good for him!

What is more awkward is the heck happening right now.

"What are your strong abilities?" Banshee asked as she highlighted something on the paper with a radium color highlighter.

"I know we are rivals but how did you come to be friends with that girl?" I heard Sergio whisper in a low tone so as to keep his voice only audible to me.

Do heck with the rivalry but times like this, only humanity is remembered.

I looked back at the young Italian don who has his hand over his head in an exasperated manner while his underboss Ivan is actually enjoying the play taking place right now.

I, along with Sergio, Ivan, Ferb, my son and Banshee are seated at a long table with heaps of papers in front of us conducting an audition program to hire men for Sergio's upcoming new start-up mafia group. It is none of my business to do anything with Sergio or his gang but banshee succeeded in dragging me here to be one of the judges.

For heaven's sake, who conducts auditions for such recruitment?

It is not like we are producing BTS or EXO here!

The man standing before us looked much older than his age but he does look tough. He kept mum for a whole minute thinking of an answer for Banshee's question but the anchor of the show for today...

The anchors of the show, Theo and Piper urged him to answer quickly.

"For a mafia man, it is very important to have a good and fit body. My benefit point is my strength." The participant answered showing his biceps.

"Strength is good but you have to have more than just strength to be a part of a mafia organization. Do you think you have anything more in you to vouch you as an outstanding member?" My activated sperm, my son, asked taking this f**king audition all too seriously.

What made me and Sergio rile up more is that Ivan, the man who hates banshee is now enjoying her madness by nodding his head to Faustino's question in agreement.

"That's right. To be a member of a mafia gang, you should have all your senses open all the time." Ivan commented agreeing to what Faustino said.

I looked at the participant's profile and found that he ran away from his house when he was young because apparently his father thought of sending him to a military school.

"You can leave now. We are not interested in taking you as the part our gang." I announced waving off to the anchor couple to send him away.

"A man who left his family for a petty reason insensibly is not fit to be a part of Mafia." Sergio commented saying out my exact thoughts loudly.

We crossed the profile with a red marker and kept it away turning to the new profile. This time, a girl came into the audition hall and stood in the middle of the large dais.

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