The doctor says she has concussion

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Perri's POV

I ended the call and sat down on the bench I instantly felt worried and scared at the same time, Ashley walked over and said 'Pel are you alright, is Holly okay'. I looked up and said 'That was one of Holly's friends she's in hospital' Jordan came over and said 'What is she ok what happened' I packed my stuff back into my dance bag and said 'A few of her friends from pineapple found her unconscious at home, they think  she's been attacked. I have to go to the hospital'.

Ashley hugged me and said 'Perri take a deep breath everything will be fine, Holly will be fine' I smiled and said bye to the others before dashing out of the studio and getting into my car and driving to the hospital.

Oliver's POV:

Once the nurses had finished getting Holly settled i was finally allowed in to see her, I sat down in the chair beside her bed and waited with her until Perri arrived. I turned around and saw Samuel and Matthew stood outside I opened the door to let them in Matthew leaned against the window and said 'How is she' I was about to reply when Perri walked in I stood up and said ' Hi Perri I'm Oliver we spoke on the phone'.

Perri nodded and said 'Are you the guys who found Holly' I nodded and said 'Yeah, that's Matthew and Sam' Perri hugged us all and said 'Thank you. Do the doctors know what's wrong with her'. I sat down by the window and said 'the doctor says she has concussion' Matthew looked at Holly and said 'but I've had concussion before and it wasn't like this', I took a deep breath and said ' The scans showed that her brain has been rattled around so it's bruised and shocked, they've had to put her into a coma to let it repair itself'.

Perri's POV:

This felt like a bad dream my beautiful girlfriend was lying unconscious in a hospital bed, I was so grateful to Holly's friends for finding her when they did. It was midnight when I felt a hand on my shoulder I slowly woke up and saw Ashley and Jordan stood on the other side of the bed. I lifted my glasses so I could rub my eyes I put my glasses back down and said 'How long have you guys been here? Where's Oliver and the others' Jordan sat down and said ' They left just as we got here, you were fast asleep and they didn't want to wake you up. How is she Pel'.

I gently took hold of Holly's left hand and said 'She's has concussion so they've placed her into a coma. What am I going to do about the tour what if she doesn't wake up' Ashley sat down in the chair on the other side of the room and said 'Pel you can't think like that, you need to have faith that she will wake up' Jordan nodded and said 'Plus we've got two months until the tour starts, I reckon she'll make it in time'. 

I squeezed Holly's hand gently and said 'I'm going to stay with you until you wake up, just please come back to me' as it reached 1 in the morning Ashley and Jordan headed home and left me to get some sleep, one of the nurses looking after Holly bought me in a blanket and pillow so I could try and get some sleep. I woke up during the night when the nurse came in to do Holly's observations I cleared my throat and said 'How's she doing is everything ok' the nurse smiled and said 'Her observations are looking good, try not to worry. If you have any concerns just press the nurses bell'. 

Matthew's POV:

I came back to the hospital the next day to see how Holly was I walked up onto the ward where she was and found her room, I knocked on the door and walked in Perri woke up and said 'Hey Matthew'. I placed my bag down on the other chair and said 'Morning Perri, did you get any sleep. How is she? Perri looked at Holly and said 'The nurses are happy with her observations, the doctor came in early this morning and told me that there's no brain damage she's just unconscious'. 

I sat down in the chair by the window and said 'You look exhausted Perri, why don't you go home and get some sleep I can stay with her' Perri smiled and said 'Are you sure you don't mind staying with her', I took a sip of my coffee and said 'No of-course I don't mind, I'll let you know if there's the slightest change or she wakes up'. 

After sitting with Holly for a couple of hours I decided to head outside to ring Oliver and let him know how Holly was, Perri also sent me a DM  asking how Holly was so I messaged him back saying that she was fine and there were no changes. I grabbed myself some lunch from the cafe and made my way back up to the ward where Holly was, as I walked down the corridor where Holly's room was I saw a doctor and two nurses going in, I quickly walked towards the room and said 'Is she alright what's happening' the doctor turned around and said 'It looks like she's starting to try and come round'. 

I smiled and said 'She'll be ok won't she' the doctor nodded and said 'We're just going to try and bring her round, and then we'll need to run some tests but everything's looking good', I stepped into the corridor and rang Perri. 

(M= Matthew and P= Perri)

P: Hello

M: Perri it's Matthew 

P: How's Holly is she ok

M: She's starting to try and come round, the doctor and nurses are in there now trying to bring her out of the coma 

P: Ok I'm just leaving the studio now, I'm going to come back to the hospital

M: Ok I'll see you soon. 

Perri's POV:

I grabbed my car keys and headed out of the studio Nathan was coming in with our Starbucks order he handed me my Coffee and said 'Pel is everything ok' I smiled and said 'I'm heading back to the hospital, it looks like Holly's trying to wake up', Nathan gave me a quick hug and said 'That's brilliant, keep us updated on how she is'. 

I got in the car and drove to the hospital, once I'd parked up I made my way up to the ward stopping in the shop to grab a cold drink and a bar of chocolate. Once I got up onto the ward I made my way down to Holly's room I knocked on the door and walked in, a massive smile lined my face as I saw Holly sat up in bed Matthew stepped back as I carefully hugged her before kissing her on the lips. 

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