Can I come and stay with you

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Holly's POV:

Months had passed since I'd won the Greatest dancer and after a week to re-charge I was back dancing with Diversity on their 10 year anniversary tour, dancing with Perri was just well it was just magical we had our own duet in the show dancing to 'Two of us' by Louis Tomlinson. Mine and Perri's relationship was going really well but I had noticed him acting strange on a couple of occasions but I just pushed it from my mind and focused on the tour, right now the tour was in my home town of Plymouth this was the show I'd been looking forward to the most because I had loads of my friends coming to watch the show and I couldn't wait to see them again. 

After having one final run through of the performance we all hung out backstage having Nandos and Pizza Hut, and before we knew it, it was time to start getting ready for the performance tonight I was just about to head into my changing room to get dressed when Perri stopped me and said 'Hey beautiful I'm just heading off for the meet and greet, my phone's about to die can you pop it on charge for me' I smiled and said 'Yeah of-course I can, where's your charger'. Perri smiled back and said 'It's in the front pocket of my white back-pack, i'll be back soon I love you' I kissed Perri on the lips and said 'And I love you as-well Perri' . 

Perri's POV:

I ran down the corridor and caught up to Ash and the others as we made our way to the room where the meet and greet was happening, on the way there I walked next to Jordan and said 'I need to tell you something bro' Jordan smiled and said 'What's up Pel is everything alright'. I nodded and said 'Everything's perfect, I've decided that I want to ask Holly to marry me. I've been planning the moment when I'm going to ask her for ages' Jordan hugged me and said 'That's amazing Bro I'm so happy for you, I'm sure she'll love whatever you've planned for her'. 

The meet and greet was going really well I loved meeting the amazing people who supported us and so many of them had gifts for us, some of them even gave me gifts for Holly which was really kind of them. 

Holly's POV:

I was just in the middle of doing my hair and make-up when Perri's phone buzzed I glanced at it quickly and it was a message from someone called Louise, and then it all hit me Perri's been cheating on me that's why he's been acting strange lately. I looked up at my reflection in the mirror and immediately broke down in tears, I wiped away the tears and finished my hair and make-up before getting dressed into my outfit for the show I couldn't bare to face Perri right now so I left my changing room and went backstage to stretch and warm up. 

Eventually Perri and the others came backstage dressed in their outfits, Perri came up to me and said 'You look really beautiful tonight, some people at the meet and greet gave me some gifts for you'. I was so mad at Perri right now how could he keep pretending that he loved me when he really didn't, but I kept my anger bottled up because I didn't want to cause a scene and embarrass Ashley and the others so I smiled and said 'Aww that's so sweet, I can't wait to see what they are' Perri kissed me on the lips and said 'I've put them in your changing room, I'm going to go and stretch and warm up'. 

Lewis's POV:

I was so excited to see Holly perform with Diversity on their 10 year anniversary tour, watching her win the greatest dancer was just so amazing I love watching her dance she just puts so much emotion into every dance she does and when she told me she was doing a duet with Perri on the tour I told her that it would be incredible because of the amazing chemistry they had as boyfriend and girlfriend. 

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