Chapter 7 - Harry Is Officially Insane

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'... and then, I dunno, I just felt, like, butterflies in my stomach and my head was whirling and I could feel my legs going weak.' I scribbled into the diary. I had been talking to it every time I went up to my dormitory and every night in bed. Tom Riddle was just so charming and understanding, he gave great advice. I had spilled out everything I had ever felt for Terry and Draco, and now I was telling him about what I had felt when Terry squeezed my hand before he had to go up to get Sorted on the first night here.

'That sounds like you have a crush on him, Daisy. And it sounds like he likes you, too. Maybe you should drop hints here and there when you're talking to him, try and get him alone more, and maybe he'll ask you out.' Tom replied.

'Thanks, Tom. You always give such great help!' I replied, putting down my quill and putting the cap on my ink bottle.

'It's a pleasure.' He wrote. 'Oh, and don't forget about showing me your powers. I am an encased memory, surely with your powers, you can send me memories of when you did some of those ... extraordinary things?'

I froze with my screwing the cap on the bottle. I hesitated, then wretched it off and refilled my quill.

'Sure. When I figure out how ... but not right now. It's half one in the morning, I need to sleep. See you tomorrow!'

I settled down in my bed after slipping the diary under my mattress.


I was unceremoniously woken in the morning by non other than Katie. By unceremoniously woken, I mean pushed onto the floor out of my bed.

"You what mate?" I gasped, blinking my eyes slowly. "Bloody hell, Katie!"

"Quidditch practice!" She exclaimed happily.

"Why are you a morning person Katie?!" I huffed, shutting my eyes. I was exhausted. I hadn't even got five hours of sleep, by the looks of it. It was six o'clock!

"Because WHY NOT!" She squealed, hopping around the room. She threw my Quidditch robes and shoes on top of me.

"Katie!" I squeaked, dragging my tangled sheets that fell off the bed with me up further over my head.

"Now, Daisy, where's your broomstick?" She hummed. "Oh! Found it!" Then an extremely hard object clunked down on my head.


"Who's dying?" Parvati mumbled, sticking her head up from under her covers.

"Now hurry up and get dressed! Oliver sent me! We need to PRACTISE!" She sang, then danced out of the room.

"Why, Katie, why?" I muttered, the room spinning around and around. "And why, Oliver, didn't you send Angelina or someone? Urgh!"

I have this thing where when I wake up, I'm really dizzy for a few minutes, then for half an hour, I'm just slightly dizzy. I don't know what it is, it's some medical problem, but it's part of the reason why I hate getting up. I can never walk straight that first half hour. I always stagger or walk off-course.

Of course, the only people I've told about this (or have found out by force is another way to put it) are Harry, the Insurgents, Hermione, Ron, and Draco. I'm not a sympathy grabber. But, you know, I said THE ONLY PEOPLE I'VE TOLD ABOUT THIS. As you know, my fellow Insurgent members have very big mouths, so they went around blabbering to everyone about my little morning secret, so now when I come down to the common room, everyone bugs me just to annoy me. The only reason they know (because I knew that they'd tell everyone!) was because all the people I listed up there (except for Harry, he and the Dursley's already knew of course) were playing truth or dare, and I was wisely testing the waters first, so I picked truth, and George's question was, "Do you have any medical problems?" (for reason on point - to take advantage of it if I had one) and of course I had to tell the truth.

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