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izzie and farah sat on one of the beds out back, "you know they call me dr

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izzie and farah sat on one of the beds out back, "you know they call me dr. model?" izzie said, a frown apparent across her featured. "who?" farah tiredly questionded, barely getting the statement. "alex." izzie replied. "ass," farah replied, her eyes closing. "cute ass though," izzie stated with a shrug. "ew," farah answered. "you're probably into burke or something like that." izzie stated with a shrug, "nah, i'll leave that to cristina." farah shrugged, causing the pair to let out a lazy laugh. meredith entered the room, "hey grey" farah called. "hey farah," meredith replied with small smile. "what's wrong?" izzie questioned. "long story short, before i knew he worked here, i slept with an attending." meredith commented, causing both farah and izzie to lift their heads- intrigued. "burke?" "shepherd?" both izzie and farah questioned at the same time. "not burke." meredith replied. and for some reason, farah felt her heart sink. "mcdreamy, really mer?" izzie remarked. "he's like, mchot though." farah remarked with a shrug.

"are you into him?" izzie questioned. "i think so but it can't happen," meredith replied, her face suggesting how scared she was about loosing her spot in the program. farah felt a bit disheartened- even though she had just met derek. then, farah's pager went off, "oh 911, katie bryce. crap, she had surgery today." farah got up, rushing to the room. when she saw no one in katie's room, she panicked. the girl went running out the door, only to bump into no one but derek. "ah, dr shepherd. just wondering where my patient is?" she said as she stepped away, now taking in derek's appearance. he had a surgery cap on still, with a sad look across his features. farah tensed, "you lost her, didn't you?" farah questioned. "dr bailey wanted you to watch how we tell the parents." derek explained.

telling katie's parents was the worse thing farah had ever done, and she had barely said two words. when derek and farah re entered the elevator she looked at him, "is it always this hard?" farah questioned- she had always lacked the strength to contain her emotions. derek looked at the girl, considering his following words carefully. "yes. but you do learn how to control emotions," derek said, placing a hand on farah's shoulder- which caused her to give him a smile. "why aren't your parents in seattle with you?" derek questioned. "oh... my sister, emerson, is studying law. they figured it was more important she had the support." farah replied, with a small shrug. but she didn't like the look of sympathy derek gave her. "i'm 28, i'm pretty sure i can handle myself." farah sharply replied. derek nodded, "so your sister is the youngest?" derek questioned. "jesus you're curious. no i'm the youngest. she's 35 and i have a brother who is 32, you know, if you were wanting to know that too." farah informed, causing derek to nod.

once they reached the floor, farah was off. she wanted to check in on her patient, sam higgins before she headed to see if any other interns needed a hand as she was sick of laying around. farah saw sam with his family, sam sound asleep. "hello, i'm sam's doctor, dr miller. how are you all?" farah questioned, getting some alright and okays. she then called in a nurse to sort them out some food- as she didn't know where to find it all. farah then wandered back out, she saw george with some people crowded around a patients bed. she decided she would help the other fellow intern out. farah entered the room, "so, need a hand?" she questioned, george quickly nodded. "hey guys, can you please leave the room so we can assess the patient?" farah asked, teenagers grumbled before leaving.

"hi, what's your name?" george questioned softly. "melanie williams." the girl answered. "melanie, how old are you?" farah questioned. "i'm 15," the young girl answered. farah picked up the chart from the nurses, it said she had lower abdominal pain. "melanie, have you been sexually active recently?" farah quizzed, which earned a reluctant yes from the patient. "okay, when are you due for your monthly next?" farah questioned, that caused melanie to ask the date before she cursed out loud. "i'm late," melanie responded. "how long?" george questioned, "1 week,"melanie gently stated. "alright, ms williams, i'm going to book you in for an ultra sound." george said, heading outside. "what's wrong with me?" melanie asked farah, panic apparent across her features. "we're just being safe, but there is a chance you are pregnant." farah commented. "if you need it, i can get you someone to talk to? or parents to call?" farah then offered, causing melanie to shake her head. "no, but thank you," melanie responded, seeming panicked despite the calm exterior. with melanie being so young, farah had to search up her records and call her parents anyway. it just would've been easier for farah if melanie told her their phone number.

after the ultrasound was booked, farah let george take the young girl to the appointment. farah still felt like a walking corpse but she saw a soaked izzie heading to the supplies room. farah followed, "izzie? what are you doing?" farah questioned. "oh um... you know that chinese woman, ms. lu?" izzie questioned. farah gave a slight nod, "she has a daughter, who is illegal. they're outside and need help." izzie explained. "let me help," farah said, grabbing some supplies as well. izzie gave farah a smile, before the duo begin to head back outside, behind the bins.

after stitching up ms. lu's daughter, izzie and farah headed back into the hospital. farah decided to do her rounds, where she bumped into derek shepherd. "we've got to stop meeting like this," derek joked, causing farah to chuckle. "what happened to you?" derek questioned. "oh, just went for a breather.." farah said, she had always been a bad liar. derek gave a nod of uncertainty before they both went their own ways. cristina came up beside farah, "you and derek huh?" cristina questioned. "no way. we all know he's into meredith." farah sharply responded. "mm, yet he's talking to you more than her." cristina said before heading off to try to talk her way into a surgery.

farah shook her head, she then headed over to the back where tired interns sat on the beds. meredith discussed going to the bar after their shift, farah agreed- she could use a good drink after what cristina said to her. farah didn't have feelings for derek, she had known the man for the whole 47 hours of her first shift- that was not long enough to gain feelings and farah knew better than to believe in love at first sight. "what are you thinking about?" alex questioned, farah gave him a weird look. "what's your motive?" farah questioned as alex took a seat beside her. "nothing, i'm just bored so tell me." alex responded. "someone told me that someone might like me but i know that someone likes another someone so basically that someone just put a lot of thoughts into my head." farah gushed, alex giving her a weird look. "that was a lot of someone's. but i've always found avoiding works, or find a distraction." alex replied, giving a wink which caused farah to shake her head at him. "you are an absolute dork." she remarked, before looking at her watch. "right, one hour left. better go do some rounds." farah added, "you coming to the bar after?" alex questioned, farah gave a nod before she walked off.

bar life at the bar wasn't great, but the surgical interns sat around together, all chatting about the drama that happened at the hospital today. working at the hospital was almost like high school, there was friendship drama, relationship drama and the whole ringer. farah sipped from her drink, alex sat to her right and izzie to her left. "so, why is the ass here?" izzie questioned. "i realised he's not too bad." farah remarked cheekily. izzie gave a suggestive look before turning her attention to george who was sitting to her other side. farah and alex continued to quietly chat about everything that happened at the hospital today before alex had to go home, farah then tuned into meredith and cristina's conversation.

"who we talking about?" farah questioned, curious. "mcdreamy," cristina replied, causing farah to nod- showing she understood. "he basically said he wants to be in a relationship with me." meredith exclaimed, "but that's so unprofessional and what if i loose my spot in the program?" meredith rambled. "you're considering dating him?" cristina questioned, a judgy look apparent on her features. "no, yes, no, yes, no... okay so what if i am?" meredith pointed out, "i'm gonna head home, i'm about to fall asleep." farah said with a shrug, heading outside where she called herself a cab and headed back to that quiet, cold apartment that didn't feel like home at all- not that any place ever had. meanwhile, cristina and meredith discusses how weird it was for farah to rush off so quickly.

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