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shepherd and burke stood at the board, it was a rather quiet one today

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shepherd and burke stood at the board, it was a rather quiet one today. which had everyone on there toes. "your girlfriend is my ex-girlfriend's best friend,"  derek commented. "yes," burke simply replied. derek smiled at the cardio surgeon, "why can't we call each other by our first names?" derek asked. burke stared at the neurosurgeon for a bit. "no. i don't think so." burke commented. "seriously?" derek questioned. "seriously, dr shepherd." burke responded before walking off. farah begin laughing at derek's poor attempt to become friends with burke. derek turned around, seeing the brunette. he cheekily raised an eyebrow, "you laughing at me now?" he questioned. "yes, yes i am." farah cheekily said before heading to the pit to prepare for incoming cases. the interns in the yellow gowns.

burke and farah enter a trauma room with a patient named james carlson. farah could hear his wife screaming from outside. hannah, the paramedic, was still standing over mr. carlson. her hand plugging the wound. farah begin to check james' heart rate. a couple of nurses and doctors still surround the room. "how is his respiratory effort?" burke questions farah.
"absent breast sounds on the right wide. um, air bubbling on the side of the wounded. he's shocky and getting a little cyanotic." farah answered.

burke turns to a nurse, "let's get him intubated and place an occlusive dressing over the wound." he told
them, the nurses then begin to do their work. he turned to hannah, "and who are you?" burke questioned. "hannah, hannah davies." she replied. "hannah, why do you have your hand inside my patient?" burke questioned, hannah looked down. she knew she was in the wrong, but the doctors didn't mind considering she was saving james' life. "i tried to tamponade the wound with gauze and pressure but the only thing that would stop the bleeding was my hand. every time i tried to move he starts bleeding out," hannah explained. burke nodded and begin to investigate the wound. "can i take my hand out now?" hannah asked. farah shook her head, hannah looked upset. burke then kicked out the paramedic guy, which made hannah smile brightly.

"oh don't get happy. you have your finger on a major bleeder. mr carlson is running out of time. the only thing that you've won is an all expenses paid trip to the o.r." burke commented. "dr. miller, prepare to transport her to the o.r"

the o.r team was rather large, farah was prepping mr carlson for surgery. they had scrubbed hannah up. "how are you doing over there?" farah asked. "i'm doing alright. this really isn't good for my gag reflexes. when can i leave?" hannah responded. "once dr. burke scrubs in, he'll have you remove your hand and then you can go." farah informed. hannah replied with a nod.

just as they were about to make the incision, alex came running in. "dr burke, i need to speak with you." alex said. burke appeared annoyed, "i'm in surgery, karev." burke sharply replied. "sir, you're gonna wanna talk to me." alex answered. as alex and burke move outside the o.r, hannah begins asking questions about alex's relationship status. farah stared at burke and alex, who are talking in hushed tones. the o.r team give each other confused looks. burke then enters the room again. "hannah, is your hand touching anything hard?" burke asks. farah gave a look of confusion. "um, i don't know." hannah replied. "do not move your hand. just tell me what you feel." burke replied. "um, my finger tips are touching something kinda hard." hannah replied.

dr. milton came to the realisation, "oh my god!" he yelled. "dr. milton." farah said in a harsh tone. hannah became panicked, "what? what's wrong?" hannah asked. "hannah, do not move. not your hand, not your body. not a single inch." burke instructed. "farah, come over here." burke asked. farah did as she was told, the two met at the door. "i want you to run. call bomb squad and call a code black and then get the hell out of this hospital." burke instructed. "code bla- oh crap." farah said, turning and walking out of the room before running down the halls.

after doing as burke asked, farah returned to the o.r. "you need a surgical team, burke." farah said. "all i need is dr. milton to keep pumping and i can do the rest myself." burke responded. he turned and looked at farah and three other people from the o.r team standing, awaiting instruction. "fine, but you wait at the elevator." burke caved in.

burke made the team of four wait by the elevator, farah spotted dr. milton run out of the o.r. she headed over. she saw hannah doing everything. farah rushed in. "i'll take that," she then begin to pump the ambu bag. farah handed the ambu bag to cristina and begin to try to comfort the paramedic trainee.

"i think i'm going to take it out now," hannah commented. "okay, we're almost to the finish line. you can do this, hannah. it won't be much longer. you're stopping the guy from bleeding out, remember." farah tried to comfort her. hannah was now crying, "no no, no. i just want to take it out and be done with it." hannah replied. "hannah, it won't be much longer." burke told her. hannah became very visibly upset. "no! i'm twenty two years old! i should not be even in here. this is some kind of mistake!" the girl panicked. dylan turned to burke, "she's panicking, we need to clear the room." dylan stated. farah shook her head, "i'm not leaving her." farah commented.

"no it's gotta come out! it needs to come out!"  hannah stressed. farah placed her hand on hannah's shoulder, "hannah, it's okay. it's alright." farah tried to calm the girl. "no! no! it's got to come out." hannah yelled.

hannah pulls her hand out fast, burke, dylan and cristina all quickly fall to the ground with arms above their heads. farah remains the only one standing, watching hannah run out of the room. cristina stands, as well as the rest. they all now realise that farah has her hand inside of the patient. "farah..." cristina mumbles in shock. farah looks down, seeing her hand. "what did i do? oh, god." farah said.

after the bomb was removed, farah made her way to follow dylan- out of curiosity. farah watched as dylan was blown to pieces, farah pushed down the hall as well. farah was eventually standing quietly in the shower, with izzie, cristina and meredith surrounding her. they were all cleaning off the bits and pieces of the people who had been blown up.

farah sat outside of the hospital, on the chair. derek took a seat beside her, "i hear you put your hand inside a man with a bomb in him." derek said softly. "yes, i did." farah said quietly, still shaken up over the events. derek placed his arm around the miller's shoulders, as farah rested her head on derek's shoulder.

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