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farah and mark walked side by side into the hospital, "so, how do you feel about the whole dad thing?" mark questioned, giving a concerned look to the intern or better known as one of his best friends

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farah and mark walked side by side into the hospital, "so, how do you feel about the whole dad thing?" mark questioned, giving a concerned look to the intern or better known as one of his best friends. "to be completely honest, i'm a bit shaken- mentally i guess. dad has never lied to someone and said i'm not his child or that we're not family." farah replied with a shrug. "right, so he's an ass." mark remarked, "have you started studying for intern exams?" mark asked. farah frowned, "i've been doing a lot of hands on stuff recently, i'll study tonight." farah replied. "this hands on stuff wouldn't include... you know, activities with derek?" mark thoughtfully questioned, before giving a cheeky smile. "get your mind out of the gutter sloan," farah replied, shoving his shoulder as they parted ways at the nurses station.

farah headed over to the lockers, as the girl stepped inside she felt everyone's eyes on her. she sighed and made her way to her locker, where she was approached by george o'malley. "why is everyone looking at me like that?" farah asked george. "your dad told meredith you slept your way through school and that you couldn't even operate on a cadaver in med school..." george said softly to his friend. "i-" farah's voice cracked with emotion, before she became angered at everyone's prying eyes. "stop staring at me! and no i didn't sleep my way through school! and no, i didn't hurt cadavers!" the intern yelled, causing the others to quickly turn back to their lockers. farah spotted derek shepherd at the door, when he made eye contact with the miller he gestured for her to follow before making his way towards a place with less prying eyes.

farah pulled her white lab coat over her shoulders, taking one last glare at the drama queens before heading off after derek. derek and farah found themselves in a storage room, "are you okay?" derek questioned. "i just, i don't get what i did wrong." farah said softly, pulling derek a tight hug. the neurosugeon wrapped his toned arms around the girl in return. "if you want, you can help me with my clinical trial today?" derek offered. farah raised her eyebrow, "researching?" she questioned. "researching." derek confirmed. "ah, yeah sure why not?" farah replied with a shrug. derek gave the girl a smile, "it's all set up in the skills lab, page me if you have any questions." derek replied. "is there anymore enrolments into the clinical trial?" farah questioned. "yes, but i want to research a little more." derek replied- farah knew it was because they had loss their last patient.

farah sat at the skills lab desk, a computer seated in front of her. farah was reading about the virus that they were using to inject the tumour with, as well as how it affected the brain. the youngest miller wrote down some notes on a notebook as she did so. farah heard the door click open, she lifted her head to see derek entering the lab. "any ideas?" he questioned. "i'm not sure, have you thought about injecting the virus on both sides of the tumour?" farah questioned. derek thought, as his eyes glimmered with pride in the intern. "no, no i haven't. we only injected it from one side the first time." derek replied, seeming to find hope in his clinical trial after all.

farah headed towards room 2108, where she had been paged to by dr bailey. farah sported burke beside her, "hey burke, headed to 2108?" farah questioned. her and burke were far from friends, but she felt like he saw her as one of the interns that wasn't completely useless. as the pair entered the room, the lady looked over at alex- seeming worried. "annie, this is dr. burke- who is an awesome surgeon. and this is dr. miller, who is a great intern." alex reassured the lady. farah had a feeling alex was sucking up to get a surgery.

"dr. karev," bailey commented, "annie connors is a 43 year old woman who presented last night with progressive shortness of breath for the past three months. found to have a very large tumour of unknown origin pressed against her diaphragm. stable vitals, scheduled for a c.t to this morning, sir." alex presented. burke nodded his head, "thank you, dr. karev." he then shifted his eyes to annie, "annie, are you at all claustrophobic?" burke questioned. "i've been housebound for the last year, how claustrophobic could i be?" annie replied. "alright then, dr karev and dr miller are going to take you up for a c.t. it'll just give us a better look at the tumour and we will know how to proceed." burke explained to the woman. annie gave a worried look, "could someone tell my mum? she'll be like worry if she gets back and i'm not here.." annie asked. "yes, of course, annie." farah replied, turning to a nurse to tell them to call annie's mother.

annie, farah and alex reached the c.t room. alex prepped annie for the c.t, as annie deemed alex nice to look at- which made farah laugh. "we're all set, doc." the c.t guy informed farah. "okay," farah replied before clicking on the sound button. "there's going to be a microphone in there for you in case you get frightened or need to tell us something, but try not to move too much because we will just have to start again." farah explained, she watched as annie nodded her head. farah then clicked the microphone off. alex quickly sat next to farah, clicking the mic on again, "you'll do great annie!" he called out- farah had already moved over to the c.t screens and alex had carelessly forgotten about the microphones off button.

"unbelievable," the tech guy remarks over annie's scans. "oh, i know, right." alex replied. farah shook her head, she hated it when doctors started talking crap about their patients. alex's pager makes an usual noise, causing alex to slap the pager. "anyone for an extra battery?" he questioned. both of the people inside the room shook their heads. "i've never seen anything like this." the c.t tech remarked regarding annie's mass.

"well, what i don't understand.. is how a person can let it get like that... i mean, man, that is a whole lot of nasty." alex remarked, farah rolled her eyes. "alex," she said towards him in a stern warning tone. "what? it's not like she can hear us." alex argued in response. farah shook her head, "you are such an ass. poor annie shouldn't have to deal with you and your greediness." farah replied. alex looked phased for a moment, before the returned to talking about annie.

"maybe she's afraid of doctors. poor thing." the c.t tech replies to alex's prior comment. "poor thing? please. if you're afraid of doctors, you take a pill. she's just sick, like, warped, you know? i don't know how she lives with herself." alex commented in response. "alex, shut up. annie has a good personality and she came in now. which means she made and effort. and how dare you call her warped? you're disgusting for only being nice to get on her surgery." farah remarked, shaking her head at the other intern.

soon burke, alex and farah were inside annie connors room. mrs connors was making the bed. "i won't lie to you. the surgery is going to be long and difficult, but we have an extremely capable surgical team, and i can-" burke was then cut off by annie. "am i going to die?" she bluntly questioned, though farah could see the fear behind the woman's eyes. "there's always that risk but if we don't do the surgery.." burke replied. "i'll definitely die?" annie then questioned in response. "yes, annie, you will." burke said, nodding his head.

"she will have the surgery." mrs connors informed. annie looked shocked, "mum!" she told her mother off. "no, no annie. she will have the surgery." mrs connors told the surgeons again. "i guess i'll have the surgery then.." annie said with a small shrug. "i think that is a very wise decision." burke replied, giving the woman a small smile. "on one condition. i don't want him there." she then pointed at alex karev. "but i want dr miller." annie commented, farah looked shocked and alex looked just as shocked. alex made his way to the woman's bedside, preparing to suck up. "i'm sorry, annie. did i upset you in some way?" he questioned, pretending to give a crap. "if he's in the surgery, i'm not having it." annie told burke, "that's how i live with myself." annie added. farah had to stop herself from laughing at the fact alex had been busted.

"alright, we'll organise the details of the surgery and get you in there as soon as possible." burke informed before heading out of the room, gesturing for alex to follow. farah begin to take the woman's blood pressure and check other things. "thank you farah," annie commented, giving the girl a smile. "for what?" farah questioned. "for not calling me a pig about my tumour, eventhough alex tried to pressure you into doing so." annie replied. farah smiled, "it's no problem annie. i am very sorry for what alex said, if it makes you feel better, he's an ass to everyone." farah said with a shrug, causing annie to laugh.

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