fifty-six | accident(s)

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Jisoo opens her eyes slowly, her heart beating faster as she was getting a gist of the situation she was in.

Her hands slowly roaming around trying to understand what could she have landed on. It was hard yet soft enough to cushion her.

Opening her right eye followed by her left eye, Jisoo opened her eyes.

"You good?" Eunwoo asks in full concern, but slowly a small grin forms on his face as he realize the close proximity of their faces and her hands feeling up his body.

To tease her, he slowly closed the gap between them awaiting to see her reaction.

"EEEEIIIIEEEEEE" a huge sum of students cheering as they witness such a scene. This caused Jisoo to finally snap back into her senses.

"YAH! Have you gone nuts!" Jisoo yells pushing off his chest as she gains momentum to stand up. Fixing her tracksuit, Jisoo glares at the man who was slowly standing up on his own accord giggling at her reaction.

"You look cute when you're blushing about me." Eunwoo teases.

Jisoo took a few more steps backwards, keeping a safe distance between them.

"Yeah more like my blood boiling of anger at the thought of you. Because of you we lost! Thanks for nothing" Jisoo spat back.

The two continued to bicker back and forth as per usual. But little they did know, a man with a clutched fist was witnessing all of this.


"You better win this time or else." Eunwoo teasingly warns Jisoo as he stands by her side as she gets ready for her 100 meter race.

Jisoo tried to emotionally shut her ears, pretending that this annoying man who has practically been glued to her side all day was not talking to her.

After an earful of endless blabbering of Eunwoo, Jisoo finally grew fed up hit the man by the shoulder.

"Yah can you shut up already! You've been nothing but annoying and ugly today!"

Eunwoo responded with nothing but his iconic eye smile, he was already expecting this response from Jisoo so he was not surprised when he heard it. Actually he's been sticking to her all day as teasing her was just too entertaining for him. She always found new words to degrade him and he found that slightly addicting.

"Ne~~~ Good luck Jisoo! Make our team proud!" Eunwoo says genuinely. Walking away from the track as he nervously watches her set her foot on the metal block, as she crouches down on her starting position.

"Is that your boyfriend?" A nosy female asked Jisoo who was in the next lane. 

Jisoo taken aback by a sudden question from Tzuyu. Actually she never has talked to this female before. She was the popular girl everyone at school admired and after that incident of her and V's viral tweet at the rooftop, it seemed like Tzuyu's aura around her just screamed hatred so Jisoo always tried her best to get out of her way. 

"Oh uh—no. I just met him today" Jisoo replied hesitantly, her eyes still fixed at the finish line. 

"Aww what a pity, y'all woulda been cute together." Tzuyu replied. Her tone of voice didn't sit quite well with Jisoo but she decided to ignore it. 

"Is everyone ready?" The referee asked. 

"YES!" The girls all screamed in unison. 



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