one hundred & nineteen | confess

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"Eunwoo stop looking at me and focus on your notes, you have an exam tomorrow!" Jisoo playfully rolled her eyes.

It was the last day of their exams and the two have spent each night together studying. Sometimes at Jisoo's house, his house, the cafe, library, etc. 

Jisoo didn't mind it, Eunwoo was a great company and the past few months the two have gotten quite close.

Occasionally Jisoo would sometimes feel her heart skip a beat or blood rush through her face whenever Eunwoo would blatantly do romantic gestures.

But sadly for Eunwoo, it was not enough for Jisoo to completely fall for his charms. He knew it, but he's stubborn.

Eunwoo hopes that through time, he will get there, and that little hope was enough for him to keep going.

"How can I possibly focus, when someone so beautiful is sitting across me? No sane man won't admire such beauty." Eunwoo smoothly replies back, his head resting on his palms.

He knows Jisoo always hates it when he makes these flirtatious remarks, but her response is just so addicting that he can't stop.

"Shut up." Jisoo threw the eraser, hitting Eunwoo by the head.

*ding dong*

Both figures looked at the main door upon hearing the doorbell ring.

"Hold up" Jisoo stated as she got up making her way towards the door.

"Tzuyu?" Jisoo's voice sounded surprised and shocked.

Tzuyu looked uneasy like she was completely lost and it was evident something was bothering her.

"Who was it?" Eunwoo came to check on Jisoo who was still standing by the door.

Tzuyu was surprised to see another person, she didn't expect him to be here.

"Jisoo... I need to talk to you." Tzuyu said hesitantly.

"Oh— uh come in then..." Jisoo replied back reluctantly.

"I need to talk to you, privately." Tzuyu rephrased, now eyeing the tall man beside Jisoo.

"Hey Kim, I'll pack up and I'll just see you tomorrow? Text me if you need anything..." Eunwoo instantly took the hint Tzuyu laid out.

"Sure, text me when you get home." Jisoo replied timidly. She genuinely didn't feel comfortable having a one on one conversation with Tzuyu, especially since no one else was home.

Tzuyu entered Jisoo's home and both females watched Eunwoo leave.

Now there was only this awkward atmosphere between the two.

Jisoo clears her throat and begins the conversation, "let's maybe go to my room? Just in case my parents come home..."


"I have something to confess" Tzuyu started as soon as they reached Jisoo's bedroom.

There was a large gap between them. Tzuyu sat in Jisoo's desk chair while Jisoo sat uncomfortably on her bed.

Before Jisoo could respond Tzuyu spoke once more, "I'm not with Taehyung."

"Huh?" Jisoo confusingly let out.

"I mean I tried to get back with him, but we're not actually together anymore." Tzuyu re-explains.

"Oh... Why are you telling me all of this?" Jisoo began to feel emotions who weren't there start to build within.

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