sixty-nine | morning

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V had struggled to fall asleep, his heart beating rapidly as if it was about to leave its chest. Sitting back up, now the one admiring the sleeping figure beside him.

Carefully, tucking the strand of hair that was in the way of her beautiful face.

V quietly lets a soft sigh exit his mouth, leaning back down on the desk, his head rested on his arms as he continuously watch Jisoo's slumber.


To V's surprise, he woke up to the bright warm light reflecting from the sun in Jisoo's room. He had thought that after what happened last night he wouldn't ever fall asleep as his heart wouldn't stop pounding and his thoughts filled with "what ifs".

Opening his eyes slowly, immediately a small smile crept onto his face.

"Man I wouldn't mind waking up to this everyday..." V whispered as he reaches out his hand to the sleeping Jisoo, about touch her face.

Midway, stopping V, Jin barges in the room loudly, making his chaotic presence known. "YAH YOU TWO WAKE UP ALREADY! BREAKFAST IS READY!"

Startling V, he instantly got up tidying himself not being able to make any eye contact with Jisoo who was currently stretching out her neck and limbs from sleeping in such an uncomfortable position.

"UH—I'm gonna head down first." V bolted his way out the door not waiting for Jisoo's reply.

Jisoo found his actions quite odd but decided to shrug it off and tirelessly made her way to their kitchen.


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The two best friends bickered, arguing who can sit shot gun on their way to school. To finalize the winner they decided to play rock, paper, scissors, best of one.

ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS! The two immature highschool students said in unison.

"YES!" V excitingly yelled as he let out scissors beating Jisoo's paper.

"Meroongggg" V teased, sticking his tongue out as he sat in the front passenger seat.

Moments later

"Why is it so crowded there?" Jin asks as he was about to turn to their school parking lot.

The other pair of eyes followed where Jin pointed. Truly there was was a large crowd gathered towards the front of the school.

Both wondered if there was something special happening today or something, but nothing came up.

"I don't know I don't think there's anything going on today." V looking away not caring about the fuss.

Jisoo on the hand never stopped staring, rubbing her eyes if what she saw is right.

"Noo... can't be.." she whispered.

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