one hundred & two | punishment

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There was definitely a silent tension in the cramped five seater car. No one dared to speak. Jisoo had her eyes fixed on her phone skimming through her social media, Taehyung looking at her through his side mirror, while Jin had his phone out taking selfies.

"So how was the trip kids?" the twin's father spoke, breaking the silence.

Mr. Kim could've sworn he heard cricket sounds, it was completely dead.

"That bad huh?" Mr. Kim spoke again, now this time he grabbed Taehyung who was sitting shotgun by the shoulder.

"Oh uh—no it was fun uncle." Taehyung awkwardly replied.

Jisoo fought the urge to look up, to look at him. She places her earphones in her ear, closing her eyes praying this car ride would end asap.

Finally reaching their driveway. One by one they got out of the car.

"Jin come help carry your sister's luggage." Mr. Kim immediately summoned Jin, leaving the two by themselves.

Jisoo took this opportunity to finally approach V, demand the answers she's been seeking. She looks up at him only to find him already staring back at her.

"So are you finally going to talk to me?" Jisoo asked, she tried to bury her emotions, but one look on her face, it was obvious.

V didn't speak but lightly grabbed her by the wrist, she followed him closely.

Just as Jisoo expected he led her to their spot, the isolated tree in the neighbourhood park.

"I'm sorry Chu." V started.

Jisoo waited, waiting for what he had to say next, but a few seconds passed and nothing. "That's all you have to say?!"

V took a step closer towards Jisoo who was evidently hurt and he knew damn well it was because of him.

"Jisoo... I'm sorry I wish I could tell you, but I can't. It's complicated, you won't understand."

"THEN TRY! FUCK TAEHYUNG!" Jisoo combs through her unwashed hair looking to her side in frustration, she didn't expect to explode like this in front of him but the questions and pent up emotions she had built up these past two days have reached its max.

"For as long as I could remember all I've been doing is understand you. Does it hurt so much to at least TRY to explain it to me?!"

"Because fuck Taehyung I'm so confused. One night you tell me you like me then hours later you completely put me aside and block me out like I'm nothing to you!"

Emotions of anger, hurt, and betrayal consumed Jisoo. Her body began to shake frivolously, her eyes filled with tears, dripping profusely down her cheeks.

"Jisoo, I'm- I'm sorry." V looked down in defeat. That was all he could say. His heart clenched seeing the pain in her eyes.

"Please Jisoo just please try to understand me..." desperation was evident in his voice, his eyes begging for her.

Jisoo laughed in disbelief as if she'd gone crazy. This has to be a joke she thought.

"No matter how much you hurt me I always, ALWAYS try to understand you. I'm here aren't I? I'm right here ready to listen to whatever you say, yet you tell me 'it's complicated'? You 'can't tell me'?"

"I gave you every opportunity to talk to me. I reached out to you multiple times, I was ready to hear any excuse you had, I'm dumb enough to even believe any lie you say, yet you can't even give me that."

"Why kiss me when you were just going to hurt me, why say you like me when you're just going to leave me, and again leave me, for Tzuyu?" Her voice cracked.

"Taehyung I'm tired. I'm tired of running in circles, I'm tired of this rollercoaster of getting my hopes up and being let down."

"I was honest with you, but you weren't." Jisoo let out, panting heavily as she gasped for more oxygen.

"Jisoo I was honest with you, I meant everything I said, I still feel that way, I still like you, fuck I love you." Taehyung yelled.

Jisoo shook her head slowly, wiping the tears that won't stop flowing, "No... no Taehyung, you don't love me."

"Because if you did, we wouldn't be where we are right now. If you loved me, you would've chosen me." Jisoo finished, turning her back away from him.

"Let go!" Jisoo yelled as she felt his arm wrap around her fragile body. "Please Jisoo..." his desperate plea, his silent tears damping Jisoo's back.

Forcibly removing his grip, Jisoo faced him one last time.

"No Taehying stop. I'm done. I'm tired. I'm tired of waiting for you, tired of asking myself why I'm never good enough, tired of loving you. I can no longer just be this person who you can come to whenever it's convenient for you. I'm tired of hating Tzuyu, because I know I will never be her. Taehyung I'm tired."

"I can't just wait around for you like I have for 10 years, I need to move on."

Taehyung knew, the way her eyes looked at him, the bright glimmering eyes gone because of him. He knew too well it was too late.

He made his choice, and maybe this was his punishment.

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