one hundred & seventeen | unfold

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Flashback — that night in jeju

Panting for breath, Tzuyu was having her usual panic attack

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Panting for breath, Tzuyu was having her usual panic attack. This wasn't rare, she gets this every time something triggers her, triggering her scars.

Tzuyu refused to share rooms with anyone, she demanded a separate from the rest of the students, even from Seulgi and Nayeon.

So to no surprise she was greeted with an empty room.

Tzuyu rushed to the bathroom, turning in the tap water as she tried to calm herself down.

She washes her face with cold water in hopes to reduce the anxiety building within.

Looking up at her reflection, Tzuyu looks at her dishevelled state. She looks like she's been hit by a truck.

Earlier, Tzuyu was bored and decided to go for a stroll. She needed time to think, reposition her thoughts.

These past few days have been magical. She had practically spent the majority of this trip with Jungkook and each second they spent with one another, she felt her heart slowly warm up to him.

But everytime she sees a photo of Taehyung and Jisoo, she is reminded of her goal, to get Taehyung back, she must.

She needed that.

Tzuyu continued to hyperventilate. She's in all fours now on the ground, looking down as the water from her face continues to drip down.

She didn't expect an innocent stroll to turn out like this. She didn't expect to witness Taehyung kissing Jisoo.

She refused to believe despite everything she's seen that Taehyung had fallen for his "best friend".

Tzuyu grabbed onto the sink, she needed support. Her body continues to shake, the screaming sobs only to be interrupted as she gasps for more oxygen. Thicker flows of tears continue to stream down her face.

Unconsciously, the blade she snuck in her hotel made their way on her hands. Her hands shake frivolously. Her mind distorted with an abundance of thoughts and voices.

The loudest voice commanded her to end her life, it was the only way to end this misery.

She failed. Taehyung doesn't love her. She's not worth loving. What's the point of living?

"TZUYU!" A horrid Jungkook appeared.

He merely wanted to surprise Tzuyu with food in her hotel room, maybe watch some movies to aid the boredom that she had told him before she decided to go on a stroll alone.

Jungkook hurriedly grabbed the blade out of her hands. Throwing it aside, as he wraps his arms around Tzuyu's fragile body.

"Shhhhh I'm here. I'm here..." He soothes.

"Noooo! Stop let go!" Tzuyu fights, pushing him away.

"I need Taehyung, I want Taehyung, I need him to survive Jungkook. Please..." Tzuyu begs.

"What about me Tzu? Why am I not enough?" Jungkook's eyes coated in tears, threatening to fall, trying his best to hide his bruised feelings.

"You don't understand Jungkook! I need him to survive."

"Because if I lose him, my mother wins. That I'm not worth loving, that I can't make someone love me, and because of that I don't have a father, that I really am the reason he left us." This was it, Tzuyu is finally opening her scars to someone. She's never said this out loud.

"Tzuyu but I love YOU! ME! Jungkook!"

"But you're not Taehyung! I need him to love me! I need to prove that I can make him love me!"

"Jungkook you don't deserve this! You don't deserve a damaged girl like me." Tzuyu is still trapped in Jungkook's embrace.

"But Taehyung does?" Jungkook asks.

"Ugh Jungkook stop! I can't make it make sense for you, YOU JUST DON'T GET IT."

Just like that Taehyung appeared. "Was he listening all along?!" Tzuyu thought in a panic.

Jungkook became worried when he reached Tzuyu's hotel room and hearing the loud sobs, as much as it pained him that he knew he won't be enough to heal her, that's when he reached out to Taehyung.

"Tzuyu..." he softly spoke.

"Taehyung!" Tzuyu ran to him with all her might. Jungkook watched, his heart numb to emotions. It was broken to the point it no longer knew how to beat, he felt lightheaded.

But what he felt wasn't important, Tzuyu was his priority.

"Tae— you came." Tzuyu smiled like a maniac.

"I knew you loved me.. I knew you'd always come back to me." She hugged him tighter.

Taehyung let a lone tear fall. It hurt him seeing Tzuyu in this state. He never knew she was struggling all along.

"Tzuyu I can't, I'm with Jisoo. But I'm your friend and you have Jungkook."

"No! No Taehyung, no more Jisoo. I'M THE ONE YOU LOVE NOT HER."

"I'm sorry Tzuyu I can't, Jisoo also needs me." Taehyung felt conflicted. He saw the way Tzuyu looked at him with desperation, the way he knew she needed saving. But Jisoo, that's his priority.

Tzuyu pushed him harshly, she screams like she's gone completely mad. Her eyes spotted the blade that Jungkook once threw aside, grabbing the blade again.

"If you don't stay with me, I will kill myself"

"I need you to show Jisoo that you're with ME! Not her! If you don't, I will kill myself and that is on YOU!"

Jungkook and Taehyung's senses heightened, cautious of their actions and their words, afraid to trigger Tzuyu further.

"Please Tzuyu just put the blade down, let's talk." Jungkook finally spoke again.

"No Jungkook don't butt into this." Tzuyu's eyes only remain locked onto Taehyungs.

"Tzuyu please listen to him, let's talk it out." Now it was Taehyung's turn to reason.

"No Taehyung! I've already made it clear! Leave Jisoo or I'll kill myself."

"YES! YES FINE! Please just put the blade down!" Taehyung said in defeat, finally letting tears flow down his face.

Just like that Tzuyu drops the blade and runs back into Taehyung's arms.

"I knew it. You'll always choose me."

Taehyung stood still frozen. In a sticky situation he felt like his world had just crumpled down, how could he possibly leave Jisoo?

Jisoo, I'm sorry.

End of flashback

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