November 27, 2012

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November 27, 2012

Today when I woke up, I knew today wasn't going to be a good day. So, you ready for a story of how my life sucks? Good. So, on December 31 (next month) my family and I are getting kicked out of our house. I don't know why, something about taxes not being paid or some shit. My mom got laid off a while ago, so we can't pay them the money, and my dad doesn't have a job. We are going to be homeless. Living in a homeless shelter. A family of 5 living in a homeless shelter. Great story, right? Wait, it gets better. My cat, that I have had since I was 8, I can't keep her. So I have one month before I lose my best friend and companion. I cried for 3 hours straight today because I love that fur ball more than I love myself. I would die for that cat. Wait, this is the best fucking part. The day we are getting kicked out, becoming homeless, and loosing my cat, that's my birthday. Yup. My birthday, the day I'm turning 14, I'm loosing my room, my house, becoming homeless, possibly having to move schools, and loosing my motherfucking cat. Wanna know how fucked up that is? Really. Fucked. Up. So if anyone is wondering why I'm depressed or pissed off, that's the cause of my stress. Sorry. And no, I'm not looking for pity. I also don't want comments saying I'm disgusting because I'm going to be homeless soon, or because I'm not rich.


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