November 29, 2012

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November 29, 2012

A lady cane by today. She said we have to move out December 29, a few days earlier than we were supposed to. But it gets better. Remember how I said after we move out, we are going to a homeless shelter? Change of plans. After we move out, we have to wait 1 month until we can move into the homeless shelter. Know what that means? That means that from December 29 to about February 1, I will be living in my parents SUV with my mom, my dad, and my two younger brothers. Wait motherfucker, it gets even better. Financial aid isn't paying for my mom to go to college anymore in 2 months...-_- REALLY GOD?! ARE YOU MAD AT ME, DID I PISS YOU OFF?! So, you little fucktards, if I see that ANY of you are complaining about ANYTHING, I'm going to unfan you, report your bitchy ass, and send you a very long, very hateful message about how you still have a fucking home. You got that bitches?! I'm so serious right now. You still have a bed. You still have a fucking TV. You don't have to go to school being scared someone is going to find out you're living in a car and make fun of you. You still have a home......And to top all this shit, I'm failing school, so FUCK MY LIFE.

Fuck you all,


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