November 28, 2012

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November 28, 2012

I don't even think anyone reads this, haha! And I don't blame them, it's depressing. So, today I am in a good mood. Not depressed or any of that stuff. I just wanna talk about random shit, ok? So, to start off, my cat is sleeping on my stomach right now and it's so freaking adorable I could just ride a unicorn! I put Irish Blood, Superhuman, Curly Haired Angel, and Dark Side on hold for now. I was inspired to write a Nouis book, so I shall write it. I will post the prologue soon, but I need a cover first. :D This book will have longer than 1 page chapters because I'm sick of making my readers wait 2 fucking weeks to read a page and act happy about it. Sorry readers. But, yeah. I'm done for now. Bye! Xx


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